Neostem: Le cellule staminali


Punti reazioni
Apro questo 3d su Neostem, sperando di fare cosa gradita a chi crede nelle potenzialità delle cellule staminali adulte (non quelle prese uccidendo gli embrioni).
In questa società ha investito 1 milione di euro anche il Vaticano.
Apro questo 3d su Neostem, sperando di fare cosa gradita a chi crede nelle potenzialità delle cellule staminali adulte (non quelle prese uccidendo gli embrioni).
In questa società ha investito 1 milione di euro anche il Vaticano.

NEW YORK—NeoStem Inc. has positioned itself as a leader in the emerging cellular therapy industry, and opened the door toward launching a critical Phase 3 trial for melanoma, with the acquisition of biotech California Stem Cell (CSC), based in Irvine, Calif.

As a result of this acquisition, “NeoStem plans to initiate, before the end of 2014, a pivotal Phase 3 trial of Melapuldencel-T, an autologous, melanoma initiating (stem) cell immune-based therapy intended to eliminate the tumor cells capable of causing disease recurrence,” said Dr. Robin Smith, chairman and CEO of NeoStem Inc.

Melapuldencel-T was developed by CSC and is now NeoStem’s most advanced product candidate and the foundation for its Targeted Immunotherapy Program in oncology, which is a late-stage novel proprietary cancer cell therapy—it has been approved to enter this trial with a Special Protocol Assessment from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and has received Fast Track designation for metastatic melanoma, as well as Orphan Drug designation, she said.

Pursuant to the terms of the CSC merger agreement on May 8, NeoStem issued 5.33 million shares of NeoStem common stock, restricted and subject to certain holding periods, in exchange for all of CSC's equity interests, Smith said. CSC shareholders will be eligible for milestone and royalty payments of up to $90 million, which may be payable in cash or shares of NeoStem common stock at NeoStem's discretion.

“NeoStem is committed to maximizing shareholder value by leveraging its development and manufacturing expertise across multiple internal programs, which, in addition to the Phase 3 Intus study for Melapuldencel-T, includes its Phase 2 PreSERVE study for AMR-001, the company’s lead product candidate in its CD34 Cell Program, which is expected to announce data later this year,” she said.

Smith said that CSC is now called NeoStem Oncology LLC and is a wholly owned subsidiary of NeoStem.

The NeoStem Oncology facility (R&D and offices) will be leveraged by NeoStem for its capacity, both infrastructural and human, to do additional manufacturing and/or development work to advance NeoStem’s platform technology, she said.

“NeoStem has been built upon a series of strategic acquisitions that include both technologies and manufacturing capabilities,” Smith said. “The CSC acquisition is entirely in keeping with the opportunistic growth strategy the company has followed for years.”

Progenitor Cell Therapy (PCT) is NeoStem’s wholly owned contract manufacturing and development organization, with a global reputation in contract development and manufacturing for the cell therapy industry.

In 2011, NeoStem “acquired PCT,” Smith said. “With that acquisition, NeoStem could clearly differentiate itself from other development-stage cell therapy companies through ownership of a subsidiary which could not only produce revenues from its support of the cell therapy industry, but create an engine for the efficient development of its own cell therapies.”

“This engine has grown stronger with acquisition of CSC,” she said. “When the opportunity arose to apply NeoStem’s specific and extensive expertise to a technology platform for the treatment of cancer … management knew it was an opportunity that the company should not miss.”

“The company hopes that the Phase 3 Intus study will deliver positive results, and if so, would move the product forward to commercialization alone or in partnership,” Smith added. “The company is also exploring other indications for its Targeted Immunotherapy Program, including a licensing deal in Asia to develop a therapeutic for hepatocellular carcinoma.”

Statistics show there are 120,000 new cases of melanoma per year in the United States, and that melanoma kills an estimated 8,790 in the country annually, she noted.

According to the World Health Organization, the incidence of both non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers has been increasing over the past decades. Currently, between 2 million and 3 million non-melanoma skin cancers and 132,000 melanoma skin cancers occur globally each year.

One in every three cancers diagnosed is a skin cancer and, according to Skin Cancer Foundation statistics, one in every five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.

A report from the Decision Resources Group forecasts robust annual growth of 11.2 percent in the market for malignant melanoma therapies—from nearly $950 million in 2012 to $2.75 billion in 2022, Smith said.

In other news, NeoStem announced its first quarter 2014 report, showing a 61-percent revenue increase compared to the first quarter 2013, mostly due to the PCT clinical services revenues, the largest component of company revenues, which increased 88 percent over the earlier period.

For the three months ended March 31, 2014, research and development expenses were $4.8 million, compared to $3.2 million for the three months ended March 31, 2013, an increase of $1.6 million and a result of support of the advancement of the Treg Program, and to a lesser extent, in support of the Phase 2 PreSERVE AMI trial, the company reported.

Overall, there were approximately 50 percent more active clients as of March 31, 2014 compared to March 31, 2013, including five new clinical service contracts initiated during the first quarter.

“We are pleased to see positive revenue growth in this quarter over first quarter 2013 and to report that, as of March 31, 2014, we had an ending cash balance of over $41 million,” Smith stated. “Coupled with our best-in-class manufacturing capability, the stage is set for us to realize meaningful clinical development and manufacturing efficiencies, further positioning NeoStem to lead the cell therapy industry.”

The company is pursuing commercial expansion of its manufacturing operations both in the United States and internationally. Additionally, with the acquisition of CSC, PCT can leverage CSC’s additional manufacturing capacity in Irvine, Calif., as well as their personnel’s experience and expertise in immunotherapy.
Il Vaticano stanzia un milione di euro per la ricerca su cellule staminali adulte
9 novembre 2011 alle ore 16.12

Put your money where your mouth is, recita un modo di dire americano. Si potrebbe tradurre più o meno come 'Far seguire i fatti alle parole'. E sembra che il Vaticano, su una questione di frontiera e controversa come la ricerca sulle cellule staminali adulte', abbia deciso di seguire proprio questa linea. Non ha solo organizzato – come riportato da Vatican Insider oggi –, in collaborazione con l'azienda farmaceutica statunitense NeoStem, un convegno internazionale di tre giorni sugli aspetti medici, filosofici e culturali della “medicina rigenerativa” basata sulle cellule staminali ricavate dai tessuti delle persone adulte.

Tramite la fondazione Stoq International, con sede negli Usa, il Pontificio Consiglio per la Cultura ha deciso di finanziare con un milione di euro le attività di NeoStem e della fondazione “Stem for Life”, no profit creata dall'azienda per sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica sulle cellule staminali adulte. Piuttosto, il cardinale Gianfranco Ravasi, presidente del Pontificio Consiglio per la Cultura, ha ricondotto il finanziamento vaticano alla “gloriosa tradizione” del “mecenatismo”.

Il Vaticano, infatti, crede molto nelle potenzialità – non solo mediche – delle staminali adulte. È l'occasione, per una Chiesa spesso accusata di oscurantismo e di essere 'nemica' della scienza, di mettersi in prima fila in un settore all'avanguardia, mostrando con i fatti come il progresso scientifico non sia in contrasto con il rispetto di quelli che per la fede cattolica sono gli invalicabili 'paletti' etici dell'attività umana.

Per fare questo, il Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura ha anche messo da parte i dubbi di chi si chiedeva se fosse il caso di affiancare il Vaticano ad un'azienda 'for profit' come NeoStem e se non sarebbe stato meglio scegliere come partner, ad esempio, un'università. “Una ricerca di questo genere – ha spiegato il cardinale Ravasi – ha bisogno di fondi ingenti che non possono venir solo da enti di carattere sociale e culturale”.

Anzi, ha suggerito, da questo accordo può arrivare anche uno stimolo all'Italia – Paese in cui, come si sa, il settore privato investe molto poco nella ricerca.

Per il Vaticano non è stato facile trovare il partner giusto per un progetto di lungo periodo, che andasse al di là del finanziamento occasionale di un evento. Soprattutto perché, ha sottolineato padre Trafny, “il nostro obiettivo non è correre dietro alla scienza ma analizzare cosa potrà fare domani la scienza”.
L’attacco di Nature al Vaticano è «vergognoso. Noi siamo per la scienza, non trattiamo le persone come cavie»

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aprile 19, 2013 Leone Grotti

Nature attacca il Vaticano, paragonandolo a Stamina. Intervista a monsignor Trafny: «Tutto falso. Ci dissociamo completamente da Stamina»

Tomasz-Trafny-staminali«Nature su di noi ha scritto cose assolutamente false. È folle associarci alla Fondazione Stamina, al ministero della Salute e a tutto quello che sta avvenendo in Italia riguardo alle cellule staminali». Monsignor Tomasz Trafny è presidente del settore Scienza e fede del Dipartimento della cultura dello Stato Vaticano e a rivela di essere «rimasto scioccato» dal «vergognoso» editoriale pubblicato il 16 aprile scorso sul sito di Nature, tra le più importanti riviste scientifiche al mondo, dove si associa il comportamento italiano riguardo al caso Stamina con la Seconda conferenza internazionale vaticana sulle cellule staminali adulte, che si è tenuta in Vaticano dall’11 al 13 aprile. Secondo Nature, i relatori chiamati in Vaticano dalla fondazione organizzatrice Stem For Life «sfruttano la disperazione dei disabili e dei malati terminali e inducono false speranze di guarigione» con lo scopo di deregolamentare «le terapie a base di cellule staminali», la stessa accusa rivolta da Nature alle Iene, al governo italiano e alla Fondazione Stamina.

Monsignor Trafny, Nature vi accusa di essere avvolti da «una nebbia di confusione e idee erronee riguardo alle cellule staminali adulte».
Noi non c’entriamo assolutamente niente con Stamina e il governo italiano. Nature è davvero poco professionale: io vorrei sapere su che cosa si sono basati per scrivere questo editoriale, perché non citano né nomi né virgolettati. È evidente però che non mi hanno ascoltato.

Che cosa ha detto lei durante la conferenza in Vaticano?
Ho parlato agli studenti e ai ricercatori, esponendo delle regole a cui dobbiamo fare attenzione e che dobbiamo considerare come le nostre linee guida. Primo: imparare gli uni dagli altri. Secondo: cercare una collaborazione interdisciplinare in tutti i campi. Terzo: seguire meticolosamente i metodi scientifici senza cercare scorciatoie perché per noi la scienza è importante. E ho anche detto che quando facciamo una ricerca dobbiamo esprimere tutto in modo molto chiaro dal punto di vista epistemologico.

Che cosa significa?
Al contrario di quanto scritto da Nature il nostro non è una conferenza scientifica classica. Hanno frainteso tutto. Il nostro obbiettivo è educare il mondo mostrando a tutti quante possibilità sono contenute nella ricerca con le cellule staminali adulte. Molte malattie potrebbero essere curate. Al cuore della nostra missione c’è un affidamento alla scienza etica, perché non c’è bisogno di scegliere tra scienza e fede, tra ricerca e esseri umani. Visto che partecipano filosofi, scienziati, politici, teologi, religiosi, malati e famiglie, noi chiediamo di rendere comprensibili anche i risultati delle ricerche scientifiche a tutti i non specialisti. Ma ci raccomandiamo di non passare dalla teologia alla biologia con un salto: lavoriamo in modo interdisciplinare ma diamo molta importanza alla chiarezza epistemologica e sappiamo che è importante che le regole siano seguite.

Nature però vi ha accusati di essere «ingenui» e di volere deregolamentare i trattamenti con cellule staminali.
Noi non sappiamo perché hanno scritto così, di sicuro non hanno ascoltato la conferenza. Dicendo che siamo “ingenui” ci danneggiano. Io sono stato abbonato a Nature per molti anni ma forse ci sono persone intorno alla rivista che cercano di spingerla in un campo politico e ideologico. Noi abbiamo un rispetto enorme per la comunicazione di Nature e per la loro professionalità, ma forse qualcosa è cambiato, almeno stando a come ci hanno trattato. Loro confondono i piani: che la nostra conferenza fosse collegata a quello che sta succedendo in Italia è follia, visto che abbiamo cominciato a prepararla oltre un anno fa e tra i partecipanti c’erano personaggi del calibro del premio Nobel per la medicina 2012.

Nature vi accusa anche di dare ai malati «false speranze».
Non ci era mai capitato che qualcuno ci accusasse di questo, ma vorrei rispondere dicendo due cose. Quando si parla delle speranze contenute nella ricerca con le cellule staminali embrionali, nessuno ha niente da dire, va bene a tutti, nessuna critica. Ma quando noi diciamo che le cellule staminali adulte sono un campo promettente, questa cosa infastidisce molte persone. E questo è ingiusto. Ricordiamo che dati scientifici alla mano, le cellule staminali adulte hanno dato più risultati di quelle embrionali e sono quindi più promettenti. E se ci accusano di parlare di speranze a torto, allora loro non devono più accettare la parola “speranza” in pubblicazioni scientifiche che trattano di ricerche sulle cellule staminali embrionali. Non devono più usare neanche la parola “promessa”.

La seconda risposta?
Nature ha dato valutazioni morali su di noi, ci ha danneggiato molto dicendo che siamo anche “ingenui”. Io però non sono sicuro che Nature possa fare valutazioni morali senza prima conoscere il contenuto delle cose. Che questo avvenga è davvero curioso.

Che cosa pensate della vicenda Stamina e del comportamento del ministero italiano?
Pensiamo che i protocolli scientifici e le regole devono essere seguiti. Non sappiamo in base a che cosa il ministro abbia approvato i trattamenti di Stamina ma i protocolli scientifici medici devono essere seguiti in modo rigoroso. Prima che un trattamento venga sperimentato è necessario che gli organi specializzati e governativi rilascino dei permessi. Noi ci dissociamo completamente da Stamina.

I casi di Stamina, però, riguardano persone che non hanno alternative terapeutiche. Non si può provare il “tutto per tutto”?
Noi lavoriamo in una comunità scientifica molto rigorosa e non è possibile fare esperimenti sugli esseri umani. Non si possono trattare gli esseri umani come materiale da esperimenti, soprattutto quando sono vulnerabili e in condizioni molto fragili. Quando Nature dice che noi sfruttiamo così i pazienti viene affermata una grande falsità. Ogni trattamento medico, anche se in fase sperimentale, deve rispettare criteri minimi stabiliti dalla comunità internazionale. Prima di tutto non devono danneggiare i pazienti. Questo è il modo corretto di agire.

La deregolamentazione dei trattamenti a base di staminali può portare vantaggi a qualcuno?
Certo, a tantissime persone, compresi i giornalisti. Loro sanno, infatti, che queste notizie si vendono bene. Però ora non vogliamo puntare il nostro dito contro nessuno perché non abbiamo neanche il tempo di seguire queste polemiche. Ricordo solo che Nature deve dire chiaramente ai suoi lettori che noi non c’entriamo niente con quello che avviene in Italia, noi non siamo associati con Stamina né con il governo italiano. E dica anche quanto ci teniamo alle regole e al percorso scientifico.
In corso la seconda Conferenza internazionale sul tema "Medicina rigenerativa: cambiamento fondamentale nella scienza e nella cultura"
Fabrizio Mastrofini

Non bisogna aspettarsi novità eclatanti. Però è già un segnale positivo l’interesse della Santa Sede verso la «medicina rigenerativa», nome elegante coniato per definire la ricerca sulle cellule staminali e le applicazioni in campo terapeutico. La seconda Conferenza internazionale, che termina domani, sul tema «Medicina rigenerativa: cambiamento fondamentale nella scienza e nella cultura» è promossa, non a caso, dal Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura, per aprire un dialogo a tutto campo tra scienza e fede. Lo ha spiegato proprio monsignor Tomasz Trafny, del dipartimento scientifico del Pontificio consiglio della Cultura.

È necessario – ha detto – aprire «una finestra di ricerca interdisciplinare, dove le scienze naturali possano anche incontrarsi con le scienze umane e possano scambiare le esperienze e il sapere». La medicina rigenerativa e le tecnologie legate al protocollo delle cellule staminali adulte hanno fatto enormi progressi e «la Chiesa deve avere interesse per questo delicatissimo e complesso campo di ricerca, perché si tratta di persone che all’interno del nostro agire pastorale ci sono forse più vicine o, meglio, con cui abbiamo più a che fare, cioè coloro che soffrono, che sono affetti da malattie, comprese le pesanti malattie degenerative».

Sui temi scientifici che hanno rilievo per la vita, oltre a collaborare con la Pontificia Accademia per la Vita, il Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura ha dunque riservato un settore proprio per sé. Come ha spiegato il cardinale Gianfranco Ravasi, la medicina rigenerativa è uno dei grandi saperi della scienza contemporanea, che avrà un impatto sociale, culturale, antropologico, filosofico, per poter dire qualcosa di valido. E Trafny conferma. «Prima dobbiamo davvero ascoltare coloro che fanno la ricerca di eccellenza. Questa è la motivazione per cui abbiamo pensato di approfondire questo tema così particolare».

Durante il Convegno sarà dato un riconoscimento speciale a Sol J. Barer, in qualità di pioniere nello studio delle cellule staminali, con l’assegnazione del Key Visionary Award. Alla guida di «Celgene Corporation – multinazionale biofarmaceutica – per oltre due decadi, Barer ha fatto investimenti chiave nello sviluppo di nuove tecnologie legate alle cellule staminali.
Ad oggi Neostem quota 6,17 $ e capitalizza circa 220.000.000 di $; vedremo che futuro avrà.
Mi sono letto un bel po' di notizie su Neostem, ho guardato il grafico di lungo periodo e mi sono convinto che potevo entrare sul titolo. Ho così fatto il primo acquisto di quella che potrebbe essere una lunga serie.
Se mantiene anche solo il 10% di quello che promette, sarebbe già un grosso successo.
Market Analysis According to Robin R. Young’s Stem Cell Summit Executive Summary-Analysis and Market Forecasts 2014-2024, the U.S. stem cell therapy market is estimated to grow from an estimated $237 million in 2013 to more than $5.7 billion in 2020. With approved cell therapy products currently being sold in the United States and abroad, and an increasing number of Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials with cell therapies underway, we believe the “promise” of cell therapy is becoming more and more clear. Cell therapies, if approved, should cut healthcare costs as they aim to facilitate functional restoration of damaged tissues and not just abate or moderate symptoms. Safe and efficacious cell therapies for chronic diseases could capture an increasing portion of future healthcare spending in the United States, driven both by favorable demographics and the meaningful pharmacoeconomic benefit. - See more at: Stem Cell Company | Investors Overview | NeoStem
Currently Active Clinical Trials


Enrollment in our PreSERVE AMI Phase 2 trial was completed in December 2013. Initial data from this trial will be released in the second half of 2014. The trial is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled U.S. clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a single intra-coronary infusion of at least 10 million cells of AMR-001, post STEMI, in subjects with ejection fractions of 48% or less as measured by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (“CMR”).

Read more about the clinical trial at

Upcoming Clinical Trials

Please join our mailing list to learn more about NeoStem’s upcoming clinical trials as information becomes available. More information will be also be provided on this page.

Announced upcoming trials include:
Intus Study – Phase 3 trial for Stage IV or recurrent Stage III melanoma
Phase 2 trial of autologous regulatory T cell therapy for type 1 diabetes
Phase 1/2a trial of autologous regulatory T cell therapy for being developed for a steroid resistant asthma indication
- See more at: NeoStem Clinical Trial Information for Patients
Increase Company Value Through Mergers, Acquisitions


Posted 07/14/2014 01:46 PM ET
Acquisitions can offer a unique chance to break into new markets, says Robin Smith, the CEO of cell-therapy developer NeoStem (NASDAQ:NBS). Under her leadership, the firm has bought six companies, raising over $180 million, to expand her regenerative medicine business. "Building expertise and capabilities in a business area can take many years, but a strategic acquisition gives you expertise in that domain overnight," she told IBD.

Conversely, a quick way to profit is to be bought by a bigger firm. Tips:

• Look for unique synergies. Ideally, search for companies that create game-changing capabilities, Smith says. You're not in this arena simply to add firepower.

Three years ago, NeoStem acquired Progenitor Cell Therapy, a cell-therapy manufacturer. "It was a perfect fit, giving us operations, regulatory expertise and facilities that allow us to develop our own cell-therapy products," Smith said.

• Preserve cash. Evaluate options for acquisition financing. Smith suggests offering stock and warrants, thus saving working capital for development work and day-to-day business operations.

• Embed guarantees. If you must use money, Smith says, try to tie it to results to incentivize the acquired company and its key employees properly. Such a plan includes an upfront, partial lump-sum cash payment. If the acquired company hits its numbers, it gets the rest of the money.

• Speed up progress. Search for acquisitions that cut long development cycles. "In many industries, such as drug discovery and development, investors can get restless with lengthy clinical trials," Smith said. "But a smart acquisition can shorten that cycle significantly, saving both time and money."

• Consider culture. Make sure that leaders of the acquired company "share your vision for the road ahead," Smith cautioned. "At the end of the day, beyond assets, capabilities and the balance sheet, you are buying talent. There must be a unity of goals, purpose and values to ensure success."
New York, August, 7, 2014 — NeoStem, Inc. (Nasdaq:NBS), a leader in the emerging cellular therapy industry, today provided an update on the progress of its business and reported second quarter 2014 financial results. Notable achievements in 2014 year to date include: NeoStem’s strategic acquisition of California Stem Cell, Inc. (CSC) which added a novel Phase 3 cancer immunotherapy platform to its pipeline. The appointment to its Board of Directors of Steven M. Klosk, President and CEO of Cambrex Corporation, a leading provider of active pharmaceutical ingredients, advanced intermediates and finished dosage form products to the branded and generic pharmaceutical markets. A substantial increase in the number of clinical service contracts and active clients at Progenitor Cell Therapy, LLC (PCT), NeoStem’s revenue-generating, contract manufacturing subsidiary. The completion of the six month patient follow-up for the last patient enrolled in the PreSERVE AMI Phase 2 clinical trial of NBS10 (also referred to as AMR-001). Presentation of results by the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) of a Phase 1 trial using NeoStem’s licensed T-regulatory technology in type 1 diabetes at the American Diabetes Association (ADA) annual meeting. With the acquisition of CSC, NeoStem now has three cGMP, state-of-the art, cell therapy manufacturing facilities located on both the East and West Coasts to support its internal R&D efforts and to serve the cell therapy community through PCT. CSC’s Irvine facility will provide manufacturing support for the Intus Phase 3 melanoma clinical trial of NBS20, while PCT continues to pursue commercial expansion of its contract operations both in the U.S. and internationally. NeoStem’s expansion of its intellectual property protection with the grant of two new European patents for its Ischemic Repair Program using CD34 cells. The inclusion of NeoStem in multiple Russell indexes. “NeoStem has had an exciting first half as we make progress towards our goal of delivering transformative cell based therapies. We expect to continue to build on our progress through the rest of 2014 with a number of important programs,” said Dr. Robin Smith, Chairman and CEO of NeoStem. These include: Anticipated release of Phase 2 data from the PreSERVE AMI trial of NBS10: This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial is testing NBS10, the Company’s second most advanced product candidate and lead candidate in its ischemic repair program, an autologous adult stem cell product, to treat patients with left ventricular dysfunction following acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). If successful, NBS10 would address a significant unmet medical need as the indication currently has no effective treatment. For those suffering a STEMI this treatment has the potential to improve longevity and quality of life and positions NeoStem to capture a meaningful share of the worldwide market. The Company is evaluating other clinical indications that might benefit from this ischemic repair platform technology, including traumatic brain injury, chronic heart failure and critical limb ischemia. Initiation of the Intus Phase 3 clinical trial of NBS20 for melanoma: NeoStem’s lead product candidate, NBS20, also referred to as DC/TC (dendritic cell/tumor cell), which targets malignant melanoma initiating cells, is designed to treat Stage IV or recurrent Stage III metastatic melanoma and is both the Company’s lead product candidate in its targeted immunotherapy program for cancer as well as its overall lead product candidate in development. The immunotherapy has been granted fast track and orphan designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the protocol is the subject of a Special Protocol Assessment (SPA). Under the SPA, the FDA is in agreement with the design, clinical endpoints, and planned clinical analyses of the Phase 3 trial that would serve as the basis for a Biologics License Application (BLA) that would be filed at the time NeoStem would request marketing approval. The protocol calls for enrolling 250 evaluable patients and is expected to be initiated in 2014. Initiation of clinical trials in Immune Modulation Program using T regulatory cells: NeoStem’s immune modulation program is based on the premise that many autoimmune diseases are caused by an imbalance in the immune system between the T-effector cells and the T-regulatory cells. By expanding and re-infusing a patient’s own T-regulatory cells, we believe the immune system can be brought into balance and the autoimmune attack can be suppressed. Presentation by UCSF on June 15th at the American Diabetes Association annual meeting of the results of a Phase 1 study of autologous T regulatory cells in adult patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) indicated safety and tolerability following administration, and complements recently published 12-month follow up data showing feasibility and preliminary evidence of efficacy in children with T1DM. Taken together the results provide preliminary data that support developing a novel therapy for the treatment of T1DM with the goal of inducing immune tolerance and preserving pancreatic beta cell function.Subject to review and approval of the protocols by the appropriate regulatory authorities, NeoStem plans to initiate a Phase 2 study of NBS03D for the treatment of type 1 diabetes and a Phase 1 study of NBS03A in support of a steroid resistant asthma development program in 2014. The therapeutic opportunity is to down-regulate the production of inflammatory cytokines by the T cells instead of treating the cytokines after they have been produced, which is the approach of many current therapies. Dr. Smith continued, “A review of the current status of the cell therapy sector reveals NeoStem as a standout enterprise given its multi-dimensional and diversified approach to accelerating its clinical pipeline by acquisition, internal executive hires and pursuing multiple independent platforms so as not to limit our capacity to grow shareholder value. The key drivers of our near and longer term growth will relate to the generation of clinical data and the diversity of our platforms.” Financial Results for the Second Quarter of 2014 (all comparisons are with the Second Quarter of 2013): Total revenue for the three months ended June 30, 2014 was $4.5 million, up 3 percent from $4.4 million for the prior year period. Clinical services and reimbursable revenue, representing approximately 80% of total revenues, increased slightly compared with the prior year period. Of note, the number of clinical service contracts for process development in the current year nearly doubled, resulting in $2.1 million of deferred revenue as of June 30, 2014. This revenue will be recognized in future periods upon completion of the associated contracts. For the three months ended June 30, 2014, research and development expenses were $5.8 million compared with $4.0 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2013, an increase of $1.8 million. The increase was primarily comprised of the following: Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy Program: $2.0 million increase in expenses associated with the cancer immunotherapy program, and specifically efforts to initiate the Phase 3 clinical trial of NeoStem’s lead product candidate NBS20, which targets malignant melanoma initiating cells. The oncology platform was acquired in the CSC merger on May 8, 2014. Immune Modulation Program using T regulatory cells: $1.4 million increase in expenses associated with the immune modulation program, primarily due to efforts to develop Tregs for the treatment of type 1 diabetes, steroid resistant asthma, and organ transplant rejection. The above increases were partially offset by a $1.6 million decrease in expenses related to the Company’s PreSERVE AMI clinical trial of NBS10, which completed enrollment in 2013. Selling, general and administrative expenses were $7.4 million, up from $4.3 million a year ago. The increase was related to increased corporate development activities, including those associated with the acquisition of CSC, expenses associated with the additional CSC operating activities since the acquisition date, increased corporate infrastructure needed to support the Company’s expanded clinical activities, and higher equity-based compensation paid in exchange for services. Net loss for the three months ended June 30, 2014 was $12.8 million compared with $8.6 million for the three months ended June 30, 2013. Net loss for the six months ended June 30, 2014 was $26.6 million (or $19.4 million when excluding non-cash charges – see appendix for reconciliation) compared with $17.5 million for the six months ended June 30, 2013 (or $13.1 million when excluding non-cash charges – see appendix for reconciliation). At June 30, 2014 NeoStem’s cash and cash equivalents, and marketable securities totaled $33.8 million. This compares with cash and cash equivalents of $46.1 million at December 31, 2013. - See more at: NeoStem Announces Second Quarter 2014 Financial Results and Provides Business Update - NeoStem
Per ora non ci sono novità dal fronte delle cellule staminali adulte; aspettiamo gli esiti della fase terminata (Enrollment in our PreSERVE AMI Phase 2 trial was completed in December 2013. Initial data from this trial will be released in the second half of 2014).

Speriamo che il corso dell'azione si riprenda e ci dia quelle soddisfazioni che noi tutti ci aspettiamo.
New York, NY / ACCESSWIRE / September 4, 2014 / NeoStem, Inc. (NBS) today published a new blog post on The Chairman's Blog, written by the Company's Chairman and CEO, Dr. Robin L. Smith. is an exclusive online media publication that enables key executive officers a unique platform to share insights about their company and industry trends.

Dr. Smith discusses NBS20, the lead product candidate in the Company's immunotherapy pipeline, as well as its overall lead product candidate under investigation, and the immunotherapy's potential in the vast market for cancer immune-therapeutics. In her blog she writes, "We believe the stage is set for us to realize meaningful clinical development and manufacturing efficiencies, further positioning NeoStem to lead the cell therapy industry." Read the full blog post from Dr. Smith on (Seizing an Opportunity to Fight Cancer - The Chairman's Blog).
NEW YORK, Sept. 8, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Dear NeoStem Shareholders,

We believe that cell therapy will play a large role in changing the natural history of diseases as breakthrough therapies are investigated and developed, ultimately lessening the overall burden of disease on patients and their families as well as the economic burden that these diseases impose upon modern society. In that vein, we are building NeoStem to be a leader in the emerging cellular therapy industry, pursuing the preservation and enhancement of human health globally through our efforts to develop cell based therapeutics that prevent, treat or cure disease. Our cell therapy platforms seek to address the pathology of disease using a person's own cells in order to amplify the body's natural repair mechanisms including enhancing the destruction of cancer initiating cells, repairing and replacing damaged or aged tissue, cells and organs and restoring their normal function.

At NeoStem, our mission is to transform the future of medicine with innovative cell based therapies while providing development and manufacturing services that drive the industry forward. We are committed to showing the world the path to better medicine. Our goal is to reduce a lifetime dependency on pills to a single dose of cells and help society reduce the burden of an unsustainable healthcare system. Our vision is a world where chronic disease is a problem of the past and patients have the freedom to enjoy a healthier span of life. We truly believe that cell therapies will be better medicine.

Our business includes the investigation of novel proprietary cell therapy products, as well as a revenue-generating contract development and manufacturing service business that we leverage in the development efforts for our therapeutics while providing service to other companies in the cell therapy industry. We believe this combination provides us with unique capabilities for cost effective in-house product development and immediate revenue and future cash flow to help underwrite our internal development programs.

A review of the current status of the cell therapy sector reveals NeoStem as a standout enterprise given our multi-dimensional and diversified approach to accelerating our clinical pipeline through acquisition, internal executive hires and pursuit of multiple independent platforms to support our capacity to grow shareholder value. The key drivers of our growth will relate to the generation of late stage clinical data, the diversity of our platforms, and our unique set of industry specific skills.

To read the complete letter, including highlights regarding NeoStem's strategic growth and development plans, please visit
NEW YORK, Sept. 11, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NeoStem, Inc. (NBS), a leader in the emerging cellular therapy industry, announced today that the Company has entered into an exclusive license agreement with The Rockefeller University for patented technologies that further expand the Company's intellectual property portfolio associated with its Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy Program.

The discovery of dendritic cells in 1973, resulting in a 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, bridged the two principal aspects of immunity (innate and adaptive) first defined by Nobel Prize recipients in Physiology or Medicine in 1908. It was subsequently proved that dendritic cells, part of the innate immune system, orchestrate the immune response to specific antigens by absorbing antigens and, when activated, present the specific antigens to B and T cells that result in antigen specific adaptive immunity. The Rockefeller University patents licensed by NeoStem are titled: "Methods for use of Apoptotic Cells to Deliver Antigen to Dendritic Cells for Induction or Tolerization of T Cells," (inventors: Matthew Albert, Nina Bhardwaj, Ralph M. Steinman, Kayo Inaba and Robert Darnell). Studies showed that dendritic cells can be removed from the body in their inactive form, loaded with antigens and then re-infused and activated leading to an antigen specific immune response, including immune responses directed against cancer antigens.

"By licensing these patents that relate to NeoStem's DC/TC (dendritic cell/tumor cell) technology, which technology was acquired by us through the California Stem Cell, Inc. acquisition in May 2014, NeoStem continues to look proactively for opportunities to expand and defend its technology platform as we simultaneously plan to initiate our Phase 3 Intus clinical study that will investigate our DC/TC technology in metastatic melanoma this year," commented Dr. Andrew L. Pecora, Chief Visionary Officer of NeoStem.

This additional intellectual property from The Rockefeller University expands the breadth of the Company's already comprehensive Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy Program patent portfolio, which portfolio includes inventions relating to critical aspects of a dendritic cell-based therapy, such as novel antigen-presenting cancer vaccines, stem cell growth media, and methods to produce the high purity cancer initiating (stem) cells that provide the critical antigen array with which the vaccine's dendritic cells are pulsed.

About NBS20

NeoStem expects to initiate a pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial for NBS20, an autologous melanoma initiating (stem) cell immune based therapy intended to eliminate the tumor cells capable of causing disease recurrence. The goal of the therapy is to eliminate or neutralize the tumor cells that are responsible for recurrence after medically induced tumor regression after a patient has already undergone other treatments which may have reduced tumor size, but failed to entirely eliminate the cancer. NBS20 has been the subject of compelling trial results for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. As a result, NBS20 has been approved to enter a Phase 3 clinical trial with Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) and received Fast Track designation for metastatic melanoma, as well as Orphan Drug designation.
Accidenti, pensavo di avere trovato un'azienda con un andamento borsistico tranquillo e invece mi ritrovo tra le mani un titolo che non fa altro che scendere.
Le prospettive scientifiche rimangono comunque più che buone e io attenderò con pazienza che gli sviluppi clinici portino a risultati positivi.
Certo preferirei salire invece che scendere.
NEW YORK, Sept. 29, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NeoStem, Inc. (NBS) ("NeoStem" or the "Company"), a leader in the emerging cellular therapy industry, announced today that it has entered into a Loan and Security Agreement (the "Loan Agreement") with Oxford Finance LLC ("Oxford") pursuant to which Oxford has agreed to make a term loan to the Company in the principal amount of up to $20 million, and has made the initial disbursement of $15 million. The loan matures in September 2018 and the additional $5 million disbursement is available in the event of the Company's consummation of a partnering transaction around the Company's NBS10 development program for post acute myocardial infarction ("AMI") patients. Oxford will have a security interest in substantially all the Company's real and personal property, excluding intellectual property. No warrants or common stock were issued in connection with this financing.

"This new debt facility will serve as an excellent source of non-dilutive capital to support the launch of our Intus Phase 3 clinical trial in metastatic melanoma, a significant milestone we anticipate meeting by the end of this year," said Dr. Robin L. Smith, Chairman and CEO of NeoStem. "We are pleased both by the terms of the loan and the flexibility it offers us to meet our near-term goals."

WBB Securities, LLC acted as a financial advisor to NeoStem on the transaction.

NeoStem is on track to present data from its PreSERVE AMI study at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions on November 17, 2014. PreSERVE AMI is a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled Phase 2 clinical trial testing NBS10, an autologous (donor and recipient are the same) adult stem cell product for the treatment of patients with left ventricular dysfunction following acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction ("STEMI").

The Company plans to begin the Intus Study, its Phase 3 clinical trial to evaluate the lead product candidate in its targeted immunotherapy program for cancer, NBS20, as an autologous treatment for patients with Stage IV or recurrent Stage III metastatic melanoma, by the end of 2014. NBS20, also referred to as DC/TC (dendritic cell/tumor cell), targets malignant melanoma initiating cells, has been granted fast track and orphan designation by the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA"), and has a Phase 3 protocol that is the subject of a Special Protocol Assessment ("SPA"). The SPA indicates that the FDA is in agreement with the design, clinical endpoints, and planned clinical analyses of the Phase 3 trial that would serve as the basis for a Biologics License Application ("BLA") that would be filed with the FDA requesting marketing approval of this therapeutic candidate.