
  • Ecco la 70° Edizione del settimanale "Le opportunità di Borsa" dedicato ai consulenti finanziari ed esperti di borsa.

    Settimana di risk-off per i principali indici per via dei timori legati all’inflazione persistente e alle prospettive di tassi ancora elevati a lungo. Anche se il report di oggi sull’indice core Pce, la misura molto gradita alla Fed per valutare l’inflazione, ha mostrato un parziale raffreddamento, o quantomeno una stabilità. L’indice ha riportato una crescita su base annua del 2,8%, in linea con le previsioni degli analisti e con la rilevazione del mese precedente. Questo dovrebbe lasciare più margine di manovra alla Fed per abbassare i tassi di interesse nel corso del 2024. Passando al Vecchio Continente, il report sull’inflazione dell’Eurozona ha mostrato un indice al 2,6%, oltre il 2,5% atteso e in accelerazione rispetto al 2,4% precedente.
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Non interessa proprio a nessuno? Eppure a me sembra un ottimo investimento soprattutto nel medio periodo.
ieri sera ha chiuso a +12%

forse è solo l'inizio.
su richiesta sono disponibile per delucidazioni
anche in mp :)

lasciando stare l'AT che a mio avviso per piccoli titoli quotati in otc serve a poco
hanno trasferito il titolo su un altro listino
il Pink Sheets
la società poteva anche comunicarlo
.... anche se un pò di movimento ieri sera c'è stato...
vediamo se è stato solo un peto :D
Company Overview
CytoSorbents Corporation (OTCBB: CTSO) is a critical care focused medical device company that aims to revolutionize the treatment of critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and prevent a deadly condition known as "cytokine storm", which can arise from the body’s overreaction to infections like sepsis, ARDS, trauma, burn injury and others.

The company has already attracted more than $70 million in investments and recent funding from the U.S. Army and DARPA, known for its cutting-edge research and contributions to the Internet, GPS and robotic surgery. Moreover, at least two analysts have issued "Buy" or "Outperform" ratings on the stock with a $0.50 price target – a significant premium.

CytoSorb™ Overview
CytoSorbents’ flagship product, called CytoSorb®, is a first-in-class cytokine filter, approved for sale in the E.U., that is broadly indicated for any clinical situation where cytokines are elevated. With the ability to fit in standard hemodialysis machines and blood pumps, the technology can be immediately deployed in most hospitals around the world with very little upfront investment.

Through a dialysis-like process, blood is continuously pumped outside of a patient’s body, through the company’s proprietary purification cartridge, containing biocompatible, porous polymer beads, and then back into the body in a closed loop. The result is a proven reduction in dangerously high levels of cytokines that could otherwise lead to multiple organ failure.

Clinical Trial Results
CytoSorbents obtained a CE Mark for CytoSorb® after conducting a 100 patient European Sepsis Trial with 14 major clinical trial sites in Germany. Patients enrolled in the trial were among the sickest in the hospitals, with severe infection, sepsis and multiple organ failure.

The trial successfully achieved its primary endpoints by clinically demonstrating that CytoSorb® safely reduced cytokine storm and key cytokines levels by 30% to 50% over seven days of treatment with no serious device related adverse events in roughly 300 human treatments.

Perhaps most importantly, the data suggests that CytoSorb® could save lives, particularly in patients at a high risk of death. For example, in patients 65 years or older, or those with very high cytokine levels, none of the patients treated with CytoSorb® died within the 14-day or 28-day follow-up periods, compared to a 36% and 63% mortality rate in the control group.

Though the data from this post-hoc analysis were statistically significant, the company plans to conduct definitive pivotal trials in the U.S. with more patients, with the goal of getting CytoSorb® approved in the lucrative U.S. market as well.

Razor-Razorblade Model
CytoSorb® is a single-use disposable cartridge that is compatible with a hospital’s existing hemodialysis machine and blood pump infrastructure, mimicking the razor-razorblade business model. The cartridges could also generate strong recurring revenues for the company, with attractive gross margins in excess of 50% now and potentially 80% with volume.

With a standard patient treatment requiring seven cartridges and reimbursement in Germany of more than $500 per cartridge, a full course treatment is estimated to be approximately $3,500, roughly equivalent to the cost of one or two days spent in the ICU. Considering that the average ICU stay for a severely septic patient is 12 to 18 days, CytoSorb® could easily pay for itself by shaving just one or two days off of this average, and save money for hospitals.

Commercialization Phase
In late June 2012, CytoSorbents officially launched CytoSorb® in Germany, the largest medical device market in Europe and third largest in the world. The company also ramped commercial production of CytoSorb® from its ISO 13485:2003 certified manufacturing facility in New Jersey and hired Dr. Christian Steiner as Vice President of Sales and Marketing, and several veteran sales representatives to initially target the 400 largest hospitals in the country.

Currently, the company is exploring partnerships or distributorships to expand its footprint in other European countries and established its European subsidiary with offices in Berlin. With strong interest from critical care key opinion leaders and reimbursement established in Germany, CytoSorbents believes it’s well positioned to begin driving more significant adoption rates and revenue growth over the coming years in these key markets.
venerdi volumi riscaldati nel finale..
vediamo oggi :rolleyes:
francamente ieri mi aspettavo un rialzo a doppia cifra :rolleyes:

ma come si dice... prima o poi i nodi vengono al pettine :yes: