Intech pharma

Indaptus Therapeutics Annuncia I Risultati Finanziari Del Secondo Trimestre 2022 E Fornisce Un Aggiornamento Aziendale
8 agosto 2022
La Food and Drug Administration (FDA) degli Stati Uniti ha autorizzato l'applicazione di nuovi farmaci sperimentali (IND) per Decoy20

Sulla buona strada per avviare la sperimentazione clinica di fase 1 di Decoy20 per il trattamento dei tumori solidi nel 2022

NEW YORK (8 agosto 2022) – Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP) ("Indaptus" o la "Società"), annuncia oggi i risultati finanziari per il secondo trimestre conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022 e fornisce un aggiornamento aziendale.

"Abbiamo fatto progressi sostanziali durante tutto il secondo trimestre, evidenziati dall'approvazione da parte della FDA della nostra domanda IND per Decoy20 somministrato per via sistemica. Questa importante pietra miliare normativa ci mantiene sulla buona strada per avviare la nostra prima sperimentazione clinica sull'uomo quest'anno", ha dichiarato Jeffrey Meckler, Chief Executive Officer di Indaptus. "Nonostante i progressi nel campo dell'immuno-oncologia, rimane ancora un grande bisogno insoddisfatto nel trattamento dei tumori solidi. Crediamo che Decoy20 abbia il potenziale per affrontare efficacemente questi tumori difficili da trattare con la sua capacità di attivare sia il sistema immunitario innato che quello adattativo".

Punti salienti aziendali recenti
Autorizzazione per la domanda di nuovi farmaci sperimentali

A maggio, Indaptus ha annunciato che la FDA ha approvato la domanda IND della Società per una fase 1, escalation ed espansione della dose in aperto, sperimentazione clinica in pazienti con tumori solidi avanzati in cui le terapie attualmente approvate hanno fallito. Lo studio è progettato per valutare la sicurezza, la tollerabilità e l'efficacia preliminare di Decoy 20 e seguirà un disegno 3 + 3 di coorti di aumento della dose. Il protocollo di studio consente l'esplorazione di ulteriori regimi di dosaggio, compresa la somministrazione settimanale continua dopo che è stata stabilita la sicurezza iniziale. Decoy20 ha il potenziale per trattare una vasta gamma di tumori solidi tra cui carcinomi epatocellulari, colorettali e pancreatici.

Precedenti dati pre-clinici hanno dimostrato la capacità di Decoy20 di sradicare tumori consolidati in un modello murino di carcinoma epatocellulare in combinazione con un farmaco antinfiammatorio non steroideo (FANS) o un agente anti-PD-1, e in modo più efficiente con entrambi. L'eradicazione del tumore è avvenuta con un ampio indice terapeutico e ha portato all'induzione della memoria immunologica al 100%. Gli studi sul meccanismo d'azione hanno dimostrato l'attivazione delle vie immunitarie innate e adattative e la transizione immunologicamente da freddo a caldo nei tumori sottocutanei dopo una sola somministrazione endovenosa (IV) del prodotto Decoy nell'eradicazione del tumore, impostazione di combinazione.

In combinazione con la chemioterapia a basso dosaggio, i candidati Di Decoy hanno anche prodotto un'eradicazione altamente efficiente di tumori accertati in un modello murino di linfoma non-Hodgkin (NHL), anche con induzione della memoria immunologica. L'eradicazione del tumore mediata dalla combinazione è stata osservata anche con un modello NHL di xenotrapianto tumorale umano con inclusione di un anticorpo mirato. Studi sul meccanismo d'azione hanno dimostrato il coinvolgimento dell'attivazione di vie immunitarie sia innate che adattative in questa attività antitumorale. Decoy20 ha anche prodotto una significativa attività di singolo agente in modelli murini sia di carcinoma pancreatico metastatico che di carcinoma ortotopico, colorettale.

Highlights finanziari per il secondo trimestre conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022
Le spese di ricerca e sviluppo, per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022, sono state di circa $ 1,5 milioni, con un aumento di circa $ 1,1 milioni rispetto a circa $ 390.000 nel periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2021. Le spese di ricerca e sviluppo per il periodo di sei mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022 sono state di circa $ 2,8 milioni, con un aumento di circa $ 1,9 milioni rispetto a circa $ 900.000 nel periodo di sei mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2021. L'aumento per i periodi di tre e sei mesi è dovuto principalmente al libro paga e alle spese correlate, tra cui la compensazione basata su azioni, e la preparazione della sperimentazione clinica di fase 1 e la presentazione dell'IND.

Le spese generali e amministrative, per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022, sono state di circa $ 2,4 milioni, con un aumento di circa $ 2,2 milioni rispetto a circa $ 138.000 nel periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2021. Le spese generali e amministrative per il periodo di sei mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022 sono state di circa $ 4,5 milioni, con un aumento di circa $ 4,2 milioni rispetto a circa $ 260.000 nel periodo di sei mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2021. L'aumento per i periodi di tre e sei mesi è dovuto principalmente alle retribuzioni e alle relative spese, tra cui la retribuzione basata su azioni, derivante dall'aumento dell'organico del nostro team esecutivo a seguito della Fusione e dall'aumento della polizza assicurativa degli amministratori e dei funzionari, degli onorari professionali e di altre spese associate all'essere una società pubblica a seguito della Fusione.

La perdita per azione per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022 è stata di circa $ 0,46 rispetto a circa $ 0,27 per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2021. La perdita per azione per il periodo di sei mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022 è stata di circa $ 0,87 rispetto a circa $ 0,58 per il periodo di sei mesi conclusosi il 30 giugno 2021.

Al 30 giugno 2022, la Società aveva liquidità, equivalenti di cassa e investimenti a breve termine di circa 33,0 milioni di dollari. Al 31 dicembre 2021, la Società aveva disponibilità liquide e mezzi equivalenti per circa 39,1 milioni di dollari.

La liquidità netta utilizzata nelle attività operative è stata di circa 6,3 milioni di dollari per il semestre conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022, rispetto alla liquidità netta utilizzata nelle attività operative di circa 2,1 milioni di dollari per il semestre conclusosi il 30 giugno 2021. Questo aumento è dovuto principalmente a un aumento delle nostre spese di ricerca e sviluppo e delle spese generali e amministrative.

La liquidità netta utilizzata nelle attività di investimento è stata di circa 18,6 milioni di dollari per il semestre conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022, principalmente a causa dell'acquisto di investimenti in titoli negoziabili durante quel periodo. C'è stato un importo immateriale in liquidità netta utilizzata nelle attività di investimento nel semestre conclusosi il 30 giugno 2021.

Non c'è stata liquidità netta fornita dalle attività di finanziamento nel semestre conclusosi il 30 giugno 2022.
November 10, 2022 4:05 PM
Indaptus Therapeutics Reports Third Quarter 2022 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update
Company Remain s On Track to Initiate Phase 1 Clinical Trial of Decoy20 for Treatment of Solid Tumors in Q4 2022
NEW YORK, Nov. 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP) (“Indaptus” or the “Company”), today announces financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2022 and provides a corporate update.

“We continue to diligently prepare for the launch of our Phase 1 trial of Decoy20 for the treatment of solid tumors, while carefully managing our expenses,” said Jeffrey Meckler, chief executive officer of Indaptus. “Once we have finalized the initiation process with our trial sites we will be prepared to speak more openly about progress, including trial locations and first patient dosed, and we remain on track to initiate the trial in Q4 2022.”

Phase 1 trial for the treatment of solid tumors

In May, Indaptus announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared the Company’s Investigational New Drug application for a Phase 1, open-label dose escalation and expansion, clinical trial in patients with advanced solid tumors where currently approved therapies have failed. The study is designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and preliminary efficacy of Decoy 20 and will follow a 3+3 design of dose-escalation cohorts. The study protocol allows for exploration of additional dosing regimens, including continuous weekly administration after initial safety has been established. Decoy20 has the potential to treat a wide range of solid tumors including hepatocellular, colorectal and pancreatic carcinomas.

Financial Highlights for Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2022

Research and development expenses, for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022, were approximately $1.6 million, an increase of approximately $900,000 compared with approximately $700,000 in the three-month period ended September 30, 2021. Research and development expenses for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022, were approximately $4.4 million, an increase of approximately $2.8 million compared with approximately $1.6 million in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021. The increase for the three and nine-month periods was primarily due to payroll and related expenses including stock-based compensation, and for the preparation of our Phase 1 clinical trial and costs associated with the manufacturing processes of our lead clinical candidate.

General and administrative expenses, for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022, were approximately $2.0 million, a decrease of approximately $700,000 compared with approximately $2.7 million in the three-month period ended September 30, 2021. The decrease was primarily due to payroll and stock-based compensation, and to professional fees that were associated with the merger in 2021. This decrease was offset by various expenses associated with being a public company. General and administrative expenses for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022, were approximately $6.4 million, an increase of approximately $3.5 million compared with approximately $2.9 million in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021. The increase was primarily due to payroll and related expenses, including stock-based compensation, resulting from increased headcount of our executive team and increase in directors’ and officers’ insurance policy, professional fees and other expenses associated with being a public company following the merger.

Loss per share for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022, was approximately $0.42 compared with approximately $0.81 for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021. Loss per share for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022, was approximately $1.29 compared with approximately $1.67 loss per share for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021.

As of September 30, 2022, the Company had cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities of approximately $28.5 million. As of December 31, 2021, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of approximately $39.1 million. The Company expects that its current cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities will support its ongoing operating activities into the second quarter of 2024. This cash runaway guidance is based on the Company’s current operational plans and excludes any additional funding and any business development activities that may be undertaken. Indaptus continues to assess all financing options that support its corporate strategy.

Indaptus Therapeutics Announces Initiation of First-In-Human, Open Label, Dose Escalation and Expansion Multicenter Phase 1 Clinical Trial of Decoy20 in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors​

NEW YORK, Dec. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP, “Indaptus” or “the Company”), a biotechnology company focused on discovering and developing transformative therapeutics for patients, today announces the initiation of INDP-D101, its first-in-human, open label, dose escalation and expansion, multicenter Phase 1 clinical trial of its lead compound Decoy20 in patients with advanced/metastatic solid tumors. The USC Norris Cancer Center in Los Angeles, California is the first activated clinical trial site that has been opened for patient enrollment, and patient screening is expected soon.​
The study’s objectives are to assess the safety and tolerability of Decoy20, to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D), as well as to assess Decoy20 pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics and clinical activity.
“The initiation of the dose-escalation part of our first-in-human Phase 1 trial of Decoy20 marks an important milestone in our early efforts to identify and study novel drugs for patients with solid tumors who have exhausted known life-prolonging treatment options and are thus facing poor prognosis. Based on the substantial preclinical data demonstrating safety and activity of Decoy20 alone and in combination with other oncology drugs, we are encouraged by the potential Decoy20 holds for those patients. In addition, evaluating Decoy20 in patients with advanced and metastatic solid tumors is an important initial step in our efforts to understand the potential of this investigational medicine to treat a broad range of cancers. We look forward to advancing to the expansion portion of the trial once the appropriate dose is identified,” said Boyan Litchev, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Indaptus.
The Phase 1 study will begin with a single dose escalation part followed by an expansion part with continuous administration of Decoy20. The study will enroll patients with advanced/metastatic solid tumors, who have exhausted the other known treatment options. More information can be found at .
Primary endpoint of the study is incidence, relatedness and severity of adverse events and treatment-emergent adverse events and determining the number of subjects per cohort with dose limiting toxicity-based adverse events. Secondary endpoints include the incidence of anti-drug antibodies and neutralizing antibodies pre- and post-treatment, change in Decoy20 PK parameters over time, objective response rate in subjects with measurable disease and duration of response. More information can be found at .
“We believe the Decoy approach to immuno-oncology is an innovative and we are very proud of our rapid journey from our IND application to initiation of the study. We have designed a very flexible and comprehensive initial human trial for the compound, and we look forward to reporting initial cohort results in 2023. In the meantime, we wish to thank Dr. Michael Newman, the inventor of Decoy and our Chief Science Officer, Dr. Boyan Litchev, M.D. our Chief Medical Officer, the entire science and clinical development team, our talented investigators, and our participating centers for their dedication and collaboration toward initiating this trial,” added Jeffrey Meckler, Indaptus Therapeutics’ Chief Executive Officer.

Indaptus Therapeutics attiva il Morristown Medical Center come sito di sperimentazione in INDP-D101, il suo studio clinico in aperto di fase 1 in corso di Decoy20 in pazienti con tumori solidi avanzati​

NEW YORK, 07 febbraio 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP, "Indaptus" o "la Società"), una società di biotecnologie focalizzata sulla scoperta e lo sviluppo di terapie trasformative per i pazienti, annuncia oggi l'aggiunta del Morristown Medical Center, parte dell'Atlantic Health System, come nuovo sito di sperimentazione clinica per INDP-D101. INDP-D101 è il primo studio clinico multicentrico di fase 1 in aperto, in aperto, di escalation ed espansione della dose del suo composto principale Decoy20 in pazienti con tumori solidi avanzati/metastatici. Lo screening dei pazienti presso l'ospedale di Morristown, NJ è previsto a breve.​
"La continua espansione dei siti di sperimentazione contribuirà a facilitare un arruolamento potenzialmente più rapido e ci porterà ai nostri punti dati iniziali, che, a loro volta, continueranno a facilitare lo sviluppo di ciò che riteniamo sia un'innovazione potenzialmente importante nel trattamento dei tumori solidi", ha affermato Jeffrey Meckler, CEO di Indaptus Therapeutics. "Non vediamo l'ora di collaborare strettamente con i ricercatori del Morristown Medical Center e tutti i siti di sperimentazione clinica, che speriamo di aprire in successione nelle prossime settimane".
Gli obiettivi dello studio sono valutare la sicurezza e la tollerabilità di Decoy20, determinare la dose massima tollerata (MTD) e la dose raccomandata di fase 2 (RP2D), nonché valutare la farmacocinetica (PK) di Decoy20, la farmacodinamica e l'attività clinica.
Lo studio di fase 1 inizierà con una parte di escalation di una singola dose seguita da una parte di espansione con somministrazione continua di Decoy20. Lo studio arruolerà pazienti con tumori solidi avanzati / metastatici, che hanno esaurito le altre opzioni di trattamento note. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili all'indirizzo .
L'endpoint primario dello studio è l'incidenza, la correlazione e la gravità degli eventi avversi e degli eventi avversi emergenti dal trattamento e la determinazione del numero di soggetti per coorte con eventi avversi basati sulla tossicità dose-limitante. Gli endpoint secondari includono l'incidenza di anticorpi anti-farmaco e anticorpi neutralizzanti prima e dopo il trattamento, la variazione dei parametri PK Decoy20 nel tempo, il tasso di risposta obiettiva nei soggetti con malattia misurabile e la durata della risposta.
March 7, 2023 8:05 AM

Indaptus Therapeutics Doses First Subject in its Ongoing Phase 1 Open Label Clinical Trial of Decoy20 in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors​

First Dose Initial Side-Effect Profile Consistent with Expected Outcome​

NEW YORK, March 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP, “Indaptus” or “the Company”), a biotechnology company focused on discovering and developing transformative therapeutics for patients, today announces the dosing of the first subject in INDP-D101. INDP-D101 is the Company’s first-in-human, open label, dose escalation and expansion, multicenter Phase 1 clinical trial of its lead compound Decoy20 in patients with advanced/metastatic solid tumors.​
After Decoy20 dosing, the subject experienced expected and manageable adverse events believed to be related to the immune system activating components known to be in the product. A second subject in the first three-subject cohort is expected to be enrolled following final assessment of the safety and tolerability associated with dosing of the first subject, per the study protocol.
“Following dosing of our first subject in INDP-D101, we are optimistic regarding our expectations for this part of the trial,” said Michael Newman, Ph.D., the Company’s founder and chief scientific officer. “Our hypothesis for the invention and development of Decoy20 was based on attenuation and killing of non-pathogenic bacteria to produce a product with a novel, less toxic and potentially more effective ratio of immune stimulating components. We are encouraged that the initial adverse event profile exhibited by our first subject appears to be consistent with this hypothesis.”
The study’s objectives are to assess the safety and tolerability of Decoy20, to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D), as well as to assess Decoy20 pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics and clinical activity.
The Phase 1 study was initiated with a single dose escalation, which is planned to be followed by an expansion with continuous weekly administration of Decoy20. The study is enrolling patients with advanced/metastatic solid tumors, who have exhausted approved treatment options. More information can be found at
The primary endpoint of the study is incidence, relatedness and severity of adverse events and treatment-emergent adverse events and determination of the number of subjects per cohort with dose limiting toxicity-based adverse events. Secondary endpoints include the incidence of anti-drug antibodies and neutralizing antibodies pre- and post-treatment, change in Decoy20 PK parameters over time, objective response rate in subjects with measurable disease and duration of response. More information can be found at
March 13, 2023 8:05 AM

Indaptus Therapeutics Activates Emory Winship Cancer Institute as Trial Site in INDP-D101, Its Ongoing Phase 1 Open Label Clinical Trial of Decoy20 in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors​

NEW YORK, March 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP, “Indaptus” or “the Company”), a biotechnology company focused on discovering and developing transformative therapeutics for patients, today announces that Atlanta, Ga.-based Emory Winship Cancer Institute (“Emory”) has become a new clinical trial site for INDP-D101. INDP-D101 is the Company’s first-in-human, open label, dose escalation and expansion, multicenter Phase 1 clinical trial of its lead compound Decoy20 in patients with advanced/metastatic solid tumors. Emory has begun screening patients.
“Emory joining the INDP-D101 trial is both validation of the scientific concepts behind Decoy20 in early testing, as well as acknowledgement of the remaining unmet medical need, and the need for additional hope for patients with advanced solid tumors. Emory is a well renowned center, and we are grateful to include it among the other influential centers we have activated thus far. We hope to continue the pace at which we are activating trial sites in order to more rapidly advance the trial toward initial data points, which, in turn will continue to facilitate the development of what we believe is a potentially important innovation in the treatment of solid tumors,” said Jeffrey Meckler, Indaptus Therapeutics’ CEO. “We look forward to collaborating closely with the investigators at Emory, and all of clinical trial sites, which we hope to be opening in succession in the coming weeks.”
The study’s objectives are to assess the safety and tolerability of Decoy20, to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D), as well as to assess Decoy20 pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics and clinical activity.
The Phase 1 study was initiated with a single dose escalation, which is planned to be followed by an expansion with continuous weekly administration of Decoy20. The study is enrolling patients with advanced/metastatic solid tumors, who have exhausted approved treatment options. More information can be found at .
The primary endpoint of the study is incidence, relatedness and severity of adverse events and treatment-emergent adverse events and determination of the number of subjects per cohort with dose limiting toxicity-based adverse events. Secondary endpoints include the incidence of anti-drug antibodies and neutralizing antibodies pre- and post-treatment, change in Decoy20 PK parameters over time, objective response rate in subjects with measurable disease and duration of response. More information can be found at .​
About Indaptus Therapeutics
April 19, 2023 9:28 AM

UPDATE -- Indaptus Therapeutics Presents Data Demonstrating Preclinical Efficacy of Decoy, its Bacteria-Based Immunotherapy Platform Technology, at the American Association for Cancer Research Conference 2023​

Data presented were crucial to initiating its ongoing Phase 1 clinical trial with Decoy 20 in solid tumors​

NEW YORK, April 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP, “Indaptus” or “the Company”), a biotechnology company focused on discovering and developing transformative therapeutics for patients, today announces data presented in a poster at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) annual scientific conference on the Company’s Decoy anti-tumor platform.​
The poster, titled, “ A systemically administered killed bacteria-based multiple immune receptor agonist for pulsed anti-tumor immunotherapy ,” authored by Michael J. Newman, Ph.D., the Company’s Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, was presented Tuesday, April 18, 2023.
Highlights included:
  • Decoy10 (a previous generation from the platform) is a novel, attenuated and stabilized multi-TLR, NLR and STING agonist bacteria-based immunotherapy that demonstrated 90% reduction of LPS-endotoxin activity and use of 100% killed, non-pathogenic bacteria
  • Decoy10 inhibited tumor growth, metastasis, and induced tumor regressions as a single agent. Regressions were also seen with Decoy10 in combination with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), an anti-PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor, low-dose chemotherapy (LDC), and LDC plus a targeted antibody. Regressions were durable and associated with immunological memory-mediated rejection of tumor rechallenge
  • The data demonstrated that Decoy10 contains agonists of TLR2 (1/2 and 2/6), TLR4, TLR8, TLR9, NOD2 and STING, conferring the ability to activate both innate and adaptive immune pathways in tumors after a single safe i.v. dose of Decoy10 in combination with anti-PD-1 checkpoint therapy, an NSAID or both
  • In vivo anti-tumor activity was seen with colorectal, breast, hepatocellular, pancreatic carcinomas, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (mouse and human) in pre-clinical models
Michael Newman, Ph.D., Indaptus’ Chief Scientific Officer and inventor of the Decoy platform, commented, “The data from this poster represent the culmination of the extensive pre-clinical work that we performed to bring us to our current position as a clinical-stage company. Importantly, our results demonstrate the potential for activity in multiple solid tumor indications with high unmet need and the flexibility to be combined with a wide variety of synergy partners. The Decoy platform appears to be unique in its ability to deliver a package of TLR2,4,8,9, NOD2 and STING agonists systemically in pre-clinical models, resulting in priming or activation of innate and adaptive immune pathways in tumors, particularly in the combination setting. We believe this represents a significant advance in the recruitment of the body’s own defenses in the fight against cancer, and we look forward to continuing to provide updates on both the INDP D-101 Phase 1 clinical trial and further research on the platform itself.”
About the AACR Conference 2023
The AACR Annual Meeting is the focal point of the cancer research community, where scientists, clinicians, other health care professionals, survivors, patients, and advocates gather to share the latest advances in cancer science and medicine. From population science and prevention; to cancer biology, translational, and clinical studies; to survivorship and advocacy; the AACR Annual Meeting highlights the work of the best minds in cancer research from institutions all over the world.

Indaptus Therapeutics annuncia i risultati finanziari del primo trimestre 2023 e fornisce aggiornamenti aziendali​

Continua l'arruolamento per la sperimentazione clinica di fase 1 di Decoy20 per il trattamento dei tumori solidi con il primo paziente trattato nel marzo 2023​

NEW YORK, 11 maggio 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP) ("Indaptus" o la "Società"), ha annunciato oggi i risultati finanziari per il primo trimestre conclusosi il 31 marzo 2023 e ha fornito un aggiornamento aziendale.
"Dopo il dosaggio e il completamento del nostro primo paziente nella prima coorte del nostro studio INDP-D101 di Decoy20 per il trattamento dei tumori solidi, continuiamo il processo di screening e arruolamento per completare la nostra prima coorte", ha dichiarato Jeffrey Meckler, amministratore delegato di Indaptus. "Nel frattempo, abbiamo presentato dati significativi alla conferenza scientifica dell'American Association for Cancer Research e abbiamo ricevuto ulteriori riconoscimenti all'interno della comunità scientifica. Abbiamo anche ricevuto importanti aggiunte al nostro portafoglio di proprietà intellettuale, ora abbiamo protezioni brevettuali per la nostra piattaforma di immunoterapia Decoy in tutti i 32 paesi per i quali abbiamo fatto domanda. Mentre continuiamo a selezionare e arruolare pazienti per il nostro studio, continueremo a gestire con prudenza la nostra posizione di cassa".​
Principali punti salienti dal Q 1 202 3 al dato :
  • La Società ha riportato il primo dosaggio di un soggetto di studio nello studio INDP-D101 nel marzo 2023. Dopo la somministrazione di Decoy20, il soggetto ha manifestato eventi avversi attesi e gestibili ritenuti correlati ai componenti attivanti del sistema immunitario noti per essere presenti nel prodotto. Gli obiettivi dello studio sono valutare la sicurezza e la tollerabilità di Decoy20, determinare la dose massima tollerata (MTD) e la dose raccomandata di fase 2 (RP2D), nonché valutare la farmacocinetica (PK) di Decoy20, la farmacodinamica e l'attività clinica. Lo studio di fase 1 è iniziato con un aumento di una singola dose seguito da un'espansione con somministrazione continua di Decoy20. Il sito di prova iniziale era l'USC Norris Cancer Center di Los Angeles, CA. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili all'indirizzo .

  • Nel febbraio 2023, Indaptus ha attivato il Morristown Medical Center come secondo sito di sperimentazione nello studio INDP-D101. Il terzo sito, l'Emory Winship Cancer Institute di Atlanta, GA, è stato attivato nel marzo 2023.

  • Un composto della piattaforma Decoy dell'azienda è stato presentato in una presentazione poster presso l'American Association for Cancer Research. Il poster, intitolato "Un agonista del recettore immunitario multiplo basato su batteri uccisi somministrati per l'immunoterapia antitumorale pulsata ", ha dimostrato una riduzione del 90% dell'attività dell'endotossina LPS e l'uso di batteri non patogeni uccisi al 100%.

  • Il Chief Scientific Officer della società, Michael Newman, Ph.D., è stato nominato presidente per due dei tre giorni dei 4 esimo STING & TLR-Targeting Therapies Summit tenutosi a Boston dal 9 all'11 maggio, dove è stato anche relatore in primo piano.

  • Robert Martell, M.D., Ph.D. è stato eletto nel Consiglio di amministrazione di Indaptus Therapeutics nel febbraio 2023.

  • Indaptus ha ricevuto permessi di brevetto per la sua piattaforma di immunoterapia in Brasile e India. L'indennità di brevetto indiana ha portato a 32 il numero di paesi in cui la Società detiene la protezione della proprietà intellettuale.
Principali dati finanziari per il primo trimestre conclusosi il 31 marzo 202 3
Le spese di ricerca e sviluppo, per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 31 marzo 2023, sono state di circa 1,9 milioni di dollari, con un aumento di circa 600.000 dollari rispetto a circa 1,3 milioni di dollari nel periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 31 marzo 2022. L'aumento è stato principalmente per le buste paga e le spese correlate e per il nostro studio clinico di fase 1 avviato a dicembre 2022.
Le spese generali e amministrative, per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 31 marzo 2023, sono state di circa 2,6 milioni di dollari, con un aumento di circa 500.000 dollari rispetto a circa 2,1 milioni di dollari nel periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 31 marzo 2022. L'aumento è dovuto principalmente alle spese legali, ai costi di assunzione e ad altri onorari professionali ed è stato principalmente compensato da una diminuzione delle spese assicurative degli amministratori e dei funzionari e delle spese salariali e correlate.
La perdita per azione per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 31 marzo 2023 è stata di circa $ 0,51 rispetto a circa $ 0,41 per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 31 marzo 2022.
Al 31 marzo 2023, la Società disponeva di disponibilità liquide e mezzi equivalenti e titoli negoziabili per circa 21,7 milioni di dollari. Al 31 dicembre 2022, la Società disponeva di liquidità e mezzi equivalenti e titoli negoziabili per circa 26,4 milioni di dollari. La Società prevede che la sua attuale liquidità, mezzi equivalenti e titoli negoziabili sosterrà le sue attività operative in corso nel secondo trimestre del 2024. Questa guida alla pista di cassa si basa sugli attuali piani operativi della Società ed esclude qualsiasi finanziamento aggiuntivo e qualsiasi attività di sviluppo del business che possa essere intrapresa. Indaptus continua a valutare tutte le opzioni di finanziamento che potrebbero supportare la sua strategia aziendale.
La liquidità netta utilizzata nelle attività operative è stata di circa 5,0 milioni di dollari per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 31 marzo 2023, rispetto alla liquidità netta utilizzata nelle attività operative di circa 3,1 milioni di dollari per il periodo di tre mesi conclusosi il 31 marzo 2022. L'aumento di circa 1,9 milioni di dollari nella liquidità netta utilizzata è principalmente attribuibile alle spese relative alle attività di ricerca e sviluppo in relazione alla sperimentazione clinica di fase 1 e all'aumento delle spese generali e amministrative.
La liquidità netta fornita dalle attività di investimento è stata di circa 2,1 milioni di dollari per i tre mesi conclusisi il 31 marzo 2023, correlata alla scadenza di 9,0 milioni di dollari in titoli negoziabili, compensata da un investimento netto di circa 6,9 milioni di dollari in titoli negoziabili. La liquidità netta utilizzata nelle attività di investimento è stata di circa 2,8 milioni di dollari per i tre mesi conclusisi il 31 marzo 2022, principalmente correlata a investimenti netti in titoli negoziabili per un importo di circa 3,0 milioni di dollari, compensati da circa 0,2 milioni di dollari dai proventi ricevuti per le attività detenute per la vendita.
Non vi è stata liquidità netta fornita o utilizzata in attività di finanziamento nei tre mesi chiusi al 31 marzo 2023 e nei tre mesi conclusisi il 31 marzo 2022.​
August 10, 2023 8:45 AM

Indaptus Therapeutics Announces Opening of Next Cohort in Single Dose Ranging Study of Decoy20​

  • C ohort 1 p atients exhibit ed a significant immune response consistent with the mechanism of action
  • Safety Review Committee approved continuation to the next cohort of patients
NEW YORK, Aug. 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP) (“Indaptus” or the “Company”) today announced completion of the first cohort of patients who received a single dose in Part 1 of its INDP-D101 trial of Decoy20 and the initiation of a new cohort following review of data by the Safety Review Committee as prescribed by the clinical trial protocol.
Four patients were enrolled and evaluable in this cohort. Overall, patients experienced symptoms or adverse events (AEs) that were short-lived and consistent with the mechanism of action of Decoy20. These symptoms included temperature elevation, nausea and chills. Additional transient effects included changes in heart rate and blood pressure.
“The safety profile exhibited among the first cohort of patients in our Phase 1 dose ranging study was consistent with the Decoy20 mechanism of action. We expect the enrollment of the next cohort will bring us closer to determination of the recommended phase 2 dose for the multi-dosing part of the trial. We are pleased that the safety and immune activation data support continued dosing,” said Jeffrey Meckler, Indaptus’s CEO.
Three of the patients in the first cohort have completed the 28-day safety review period with two of the patients having also completed post-study tumor re-staging. One clinically relevant dose limiting toxicity of grade 3 bradycardia occurred and was reversible in under 30 minutes following a bolus of normal saline; grade 3 malaise in the same patient resolved overnight. Two patients experienced a grade 3 AST increase which resolved within 1 day. Other Adverse Events including chills, fatigue, vomiting, and fever were of grade 1-2 severity, resolved quickly, and were to be expected following exposure to the TLR4 agonist lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is a major active ingredient of Decoy20 and a facilitator of innate and adaptive immune responses.
Evidence of immune activation was observed, based on transient expression of multiple plasma cytokines and chemokines associated with activation of innate and adaptive immune pathways, including several not expected with LPS exposure. “The presence of multiple, additional immune activating molecules in Decoy20 appears to have stimulated production of potential anti-tumor cytokines and chemokines beyond what would be expected for LPS alone, without significantly altering the safety profile,” said Dr. Michael Newman, Indaptus’s Founder and CSO. “The results to date are consistent with our hypothesis that Decoy20 represents a short-acting “pulse-prime” approach, capable of priming or activating innate and adaptive immune pathways without requirement for continuous exposure, which may reduce the potential for sustained or long-term adverse events.”
The Company continues to analyze the data generated. Further, the Company anticipates that the data from the dose finding studies will guide the selection for the Recommended Phase 2 dose for subsequent multi-dosing and combination studies, which are planned for 2024
August 14, 2023 8:00 AM

Indaptus Therapeutics Reports Second Quarter 2023 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update​

NEW YORK, Aug. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP) (“Indaptus” or the “Company”) today announced financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2023 and provided a corporate update.
“We have recently announced the completion of the first cohort of patients in our INDP-D101 trial evaluating Decoy20 for the treatment of solid tumors and receipt of authorization from the Safety Review Committee to advance into the second cohort. As previously announced, we are pleased to observe evidence of immune activation, along with short-lived adverse events consistent with Decoy20's mechanism of action,” said Jeffrey Meckler, Chief Executive Officer of Indaptus. “We continue to analyze the data generated and anticipate that the data from the dose finding studies will guide the selection for the recommended Phase 2 dose for subsequent multi-dosing and combination studies, which are planned for 2024. An additional recent accomplishment is the appointment of industry veteran, Roger Waltzman, M.D., as our Chief Medical Officer. We anticipate benefiting from his expertise as we continue our Phase 1 trial and further develop the Decoy platform. In the meantime, we are prudently managing our cash position.”​
Recent Corporate Highlights:
  • The Company announced the completion of the first cohort of its INDP-D101 trial and receipt of authorization from its Safety Review Committee to proceed into the second cohort of the Phase 1 trial.
  • A compound from the Company’s Decoy platform was presented in a poster titled, “A systemically administered killed bacteria-based multiple immune receptor agonist for pulsed anti-tumor immunotherapy ,” at the American Association for Cancer Research Conference 2023. The poster highlighted that Decoy10 demonstrated 90% reduction of LPS-endotoxin activity and use of 100% killed, non-pathogenic bacteria.
  • The Company’s Chief Scientific Officer, Michael Newman, Ph.D., was named Chair for two of the three days of the 4 th STING & TLR-Targeting Therapies Summit held in Boston from May 9 to 11, where he was also a featured speaker.
  • The Company received patent allowances for its Decoy immunotherapy platform in Brazil and India. The Indian patent allowance brought the number of countries in which the Company holds patent protection to 32.
  • Roger Waltzman, M.D. was appointed the Chief Medical Officer of Indaptus, effective August 7, 2023.
Financial Highlights for the Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2023
Research and development expenses for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 were approximately $1.5 million. Research and development expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2023 were approximately $3.4 million, an increase of approximately $0.6 million compared with approximately $2.8 million in the six months ended June 30, 2022. The increase for the six-month period was primarily due to expenses for our Phase 1 clinical trial that was initiated in December 2022 and payroll and related expenses.
General and administrative expenses for the three months ended June 30, 2023 were approximately $2.0 million, a decrease of approximately $0.4 million compared with approximately $2.4 million in the three months ended June 30, 2022. The decrease was primarily due to a decrease in stock-based compensation and a decrease in directors’ and officers’ insurance expenses. General and administrative expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2023 were approximately $4.6 million, an increase of approximately $0.1 million compared with approximately $4.5 million in the six months ended June 30, 2022.
Loss per share for the three months ended June 30, 2023 was approximately $0.39 compared with approximately $0.46 for the three months ended June 30, 2022. Loss per share for the six months ended June 30, 2023 was approximately $0.89 compared with approximately $0.87 per share for the six months ended June 30, 2022.
As of June 30, 2023, the Company had cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities of approximately $19.7 million as compared to $26.4 million as of December 31, 2022. The Company expects that its current cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities will support its ongoing operating activities into the second quarter of 2024. This cash runway guidance is based on the Company’s current operational plans and excludes any additional funding and any business development activities that may be undertaken. Indaptus continues to assess all financing options that would support its corporate strategy.
Net cash used in operating activities was approximately $7.1 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023, compared with net cash used in operating activities of approximately $6.3 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022. The increase of approximately $0.8 million in net cash used was primarily attributable to an increase in our spending related to research and development activities in connection with the Phase 1 clinical trial and for general and administrative expenses.
Net cash provided by investing activities was approximately $10.1 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023, which was a result of the maturity of $17.0 million in marketable securities, offset by net investment of approximately $6.9 million in marketable securities. Net cash used in investing activities was approximately $18.6 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022, which was primarily related to net investment in marketable securities in the amount of approximately $18.8 million, offset by approximately $0.2 million from the proceeds received for assets held for sale.
There was no net cash provided by or used in financing activities in the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022.​

Indaptus Therapeutics dosa il primo paziente nella seconda coorte di studio a dose singola di Decoy20​

A seguito dell'evidenza di marcata attività farmacodinamica nella prima coorte, la Coorte 2 ha ridotto la dose anticipando un effetto simile.​

NEW YORK, 19 settembre 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP) ("Indaptus" o la "Società") annuncia il dosaggio del primo paziente nella seconda coorte di pazienti a ricevere una singola dose di Decoy20 nello studio INDP-D101. Questa dose di coorte è una riduzione della dose rispetto alla coorte precedente sulla base del significativo effetto farmacodinamico osservato con la prima coorte e del profilo di sicurezza Decoy20 ottimale previsto sia per il dosaggio settimanale che per gli approcci di combinazione.
"Questa coorte è importante per lo sviluppo di Decoy20 in quanto potrebbe fornire dati sufficienti per spostare Decoy20 in un regime multi-dosaggio", ha affermato il Dr. Roger Waltzman, Chief Medical Officer di Indaptus. "Ad oggi, abbiamo visto segni positivi di una risposta immunitaria con un profilo di effetti avversi anticipato e non vediamo l'ora di vedere se questa dose più bassa fornisce prove simili di aumento delle citochine che possono innescare risposte immunitarie sia innate che adattative".
"Continuiamo ad essere incoraggiati dai risultati iniziali della prima coorte e non vediamo l'ora di progredire nel regime multi-dosaggio non appena avremo dati sufficienti", ha affermato Jeffrey Meckler, Chief Executive Officer. Gli obiettivi dello studio sono valutare la sicurezza e la tollerabilità di Decoy20, determinare la dose massima tollerata (MTD) e la dose raccomandata di fase 2 (RP2D), nonché valutare la farmacocinetica (PK) di Decoy20, la farmacodinamica e l'attività clinica. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili all'indirizzo​
Lo studio di fase 1 è stato avviato con un aumento della dose singola, che dovrebbe essere seguito da un'espansione con somministrazione settimanale continua di Decoy20. Lo studio sta arruolando pazienti con tumori solidi avanzati / metastatici, che hanno esaurito le opzioni di trattamento approvate.

Indaptus Therapeutics Reports Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update​

NEW YORK, Nov. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Indaptus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: INDP) (“Indaptus” or the “Company”) today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2023 and provided a corporate update.
“We continue to be encouraged by early results from our first cohort of patients in the INDP-D101 trial evaluating Decoy20 for the treatment of solid tumors. As we recently reported and presented at the Society for Immunology in Cancer (SITC) conference, all four first cohort patients have maintained stable disease since receiving their single dose and presented evidence of immune activation, along with short-lived adverse events consistent with Decoy20's mechanism of action, and we look forward to continuing to track them. In the meantime, we have already dosed our first patient in the second cohort, for which we have titrated the dose down in anticipation of a similar response. We continue to expect to have the second cohort completed by early 2024, which would provide guidance for the selection for the recommended Phase 2 dose for subsequent multi-dosing and combination studies, which are also planned for 2024,” said Jeffrey Meckler, Chief Executive Officer of Indaptus. “We are also fortunate to be receiving the benefit of our appointment of industry veteran, Roger Waltzman, M.D., as our Chief Medical Officer, who has already proven valuable even in this short period. We anticipate continuing to benefit from his expertise as we move forward with our Phase 1 trial and further develop the Decoy platform. In the meantime, we are prudently managing our cash position.”​
Recent Corporate Highlights:
  • Top line data from the INDP-D101 trial of lead compound Decoy20 was presented at the Society of Immunotherapy in Cancer on November 4, 2023. In addition to the safety data and immune response reported previously, the Company reported that all four patients had achieved and continue to maintain stable disease, three of whom presented with progressive disease.
  • The Company announced the initiation and first dosing of the second cohort of its INDP-D101 trial, which will be administered at a lower dose and is expected to bring the Company closer to determination of the recommended Phase 2 dose for the multi-dosing part of the trial.
  • Roger Waltzman, M.D. was appointed the Chief Medical Officer of Indaptus, effective August 7, 2023.
Financial Highlights for the Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2023
Research and development expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2023 were approximately $2.2 million, an increase of approximately $0.6 million compared with approximately $1.6 million in the three months ended September 30, 2022. Research and development expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 were approximately $5.6 million, an increase of approximately $1.2 million compared with approximately $4.4 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2022. The increase in each of the three- and nine-month periods was primarily due to the Phase 1 clinical trial and activities related to the expansion of our pipeline.
General and administrative expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2023 were approximately $2.0 million, an increase of approximately $0.1 million compared with approximately $1.9 million in the three months ended September 30, 2022. General and administrative expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 were approximately $6.6 million, an increase of approximately $0.2 million compared with approximately $6.4 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2022. This increase in the nine-month period was primarily due to legal fees, payroll and related expenses, recruitment costs and other professional fees, which were partially offset by a decrease in directors’ and officers’ insurance expenses.
Loss per share for the three months ended September 30, 2023 was approximately $0.47 compared with approximately $0.42 for the three months ended September 30, 2022. Loss per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was approximately $1.36 compared with approximately $1.29 per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2022.
As of September 30, 2023, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of approximately $16.0 million as compared to $26.4 million as of December 31, 2022. The Company expects that its current cash and cash equivalents will support its ongoing operating activities into the second quarter of 2024. This cash runway guidance is based on the Company’s current operational plans and excludes any additional funding and any business development activities that may be undertaken. Indaptus continues to assess all financing options that would support its corporate strategy.
Net cash used in operating activities was approximately $10.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, compared with net cash used in operating activities of approximately $10.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2022.
Net cash provided by investing activities was approximately $17.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, which was a result of the maturity of $24.0 million in marketable securities, offset by net investment of approximately $6.9 million in marketable securities. Net cash used in investing activities was approximately $21.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2022, which was primarily related to net investment in marketable securities in the amount of approximately $23.7 million, offset by approximately $0.2 million from the proceeds received for assets held for sale and by $2.0 million from the maturity of marketable securities.
There was no net cash provided by or used in financing activities in the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022.​