The Scale of the Universe: bellissimo!

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Bad Astronomy | Astronomers find a black hole eating a white dwarf | SyfyWire

:D :clap:

An artist's eye-view of 47 Tuc X9, a black hole eating a white dwarf
Portarsi avanti col lavoro... :o

The first solar eclipse to cross America in 99 years is coming. To some, it’s an act of God. - The Washington Post

:D :clap:

It’s easy to understand why many people will view this as an act of God.

The total solar eclipse that will cross America this summer — an event that last happened 99 years ago — will be an important moment for scientific observers and a massive nationwide spectator event. It will also, for many people of faith, be evidence of God’s majesty — and even, to a few, a harbinger of the coming end of the world.

“I don’t think it’s an accident that God put us human beings here on Earth where we can actually see total solar eclipses. I think God wants us to make these discoveries,” said Hugh Ross, who is both an astronomer and a minister. “I would argue that God on purpose made the universe beautiful, and one of the beauties is a solar eclipse.”

The eclipse will cross America, from Oregon to the Carolinas. (Courtesy of NASA)
When Pixels Collide

Last weekend, a fascinating act in the history of humanity played out on Reddit.

For April Fool's Day, Reddit launched a little experiment. It gave its users, who are all anonymous, a blank canvas called Place.
The rules were simple. Each user could choose one pixel from 16 colors to place anywhere on the canvas. They could place as many pixels of as many colors as they wanted, but they had to wait a few minutes between placing each one.
Over the following 72 hours, what emerged was nothing short of miraculous. A collaborative artwork that shocked even its inventors.
From a single blank canvas, a couple simple rules and no plan, came this:

:D :clap:
