Green bond Alerion Clean Power 3,125% 2025 euro XS2083187059

  • Ecco la 66° Edizione del settimanale "Le opportunità di Borsa" dedicato ai consulenti finanziari ed esperti di borsa.

    I principali indici azionari hanno vissuto una settimana turbolenta, caratterizzata dalla riunione della Fed, dai dati macro importanti e dagli utili societari di alcune big tech Usa. Mercoledì scorso la Fed ha confermato i tassi di interesse e ha sostanzialmente escluso un aumento. Tuttavia, Powell e colleghi potrebbero lasciare il costo del denaro su livelli restrittivi in mancanza di progressi sul fronte dei prezzi. Inoltre, i dati di oggi sul mercato del lavoro Usa hanno mostrato dei segnali di raffreddamento. Per continuare a leggere visita il link

Conte di Montecristo

wiating for 14.45eur (2030)
Punti reazioni
Vi avviso che sul mot a breve alerioncleanpower lancia green bond a 7 anni tasso intorno al 3% fisso, quotato anche a borsa dublino, senza rating e non subordinato, anche i privati possono acquistarlo. Il green bond a differenza delle obbligazioni ha un suo programma con date certe ed obiettivi certi e serve per comprare nuovi aprchi da terzi e realizzare i propri ( quelli aggiudicati gia in questa asta ) e per rifacimento impianti ( monte petrasi? )

Scope and objectives
Alerion Clean Power S.p.A. (“ALERION” or “Issuer”), is an industrial group listed on the Milan Stock
Exchange, specializing in the production of electricity from renewable sources, particularly in the wind
ALERION has developed a Green Bond Framework and is considering the issuance of a Green Bond in
EURO (henceforth referred to as “BOND”) and would like to label the issuance as a “Green Bond” as
defined within the Green Bond Principles 2018 (“GBP”) set out by the International Capital Market
Association (“ICMA”).
As per its Green Bond Framework, ALERION intends to use the proceeds of the BOND to finance and
refinance debts associated with the numerous projects and assets in Europe falling within the following
Renewable Energy:
• Wind Energy
o New wind power project design, development, manufacture and construction;
o Acquisition of operating wind farms;
o Refinancing of existing wind power generation projects.
DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. (henceforth referred to as “DNV GL”) has been commissioned by
ALERION to provide a Green Bond eligibility assessment of the ALERION Green Bond Framework and
proposed BOND. Our methodology to achieve this is described under ‘Work Undertaken’ below. We were
not commissioned to provide independent assurance or other audit activities.
No assurance is provided regarding the financial performance of the BOND, the value of any investments
in the BONDS, or the long term environmental benefits of the transaction. Our objective has been to
provide an assessment that the BOND has met the criteria established on the basis set out below.
The scope of this DNV GL opinion is limited to the Green Bond Principles 2018 (GBP).
Responsibilities of the Management of ALERION and DNV GL
The management of ALERION has provided the information and data used by DNV GL during the delivery
of this review. Our statement represents an independent opinion and is intended to inform ALERION
management and other interested stakeholders in the BOND as to whether the established criteria have
been met, based on the information provided to us. In our work we have relied on the information and
the facts presented to us by ALERION. DNV GL is not responsible for any aspect of the nominated assets
referred to in this opinion and cannot be held liable if estimates, findings, opinions, or conclusions are
incorrect. Thus, DNV GL shall not be held liable if any of the information or data provided by ALERION’s
management and used as a basis for this assessment were not correct or complete.
Page 2 of 11
Basis of DNV GL’s opinion
We have adapted our Green Bond Principles methodology, which incorporates the requirements of the
GBP, to create a ALERION-specific Green Bond Eligibility Assessment Protocol (henceforth referred to as
“Protocol”). Our Protocol includes a set of suitable criteria that can be used to underpin DNV GL’s opinion.
The overarching principle behind the criteria is that a green bond should “enable capital-raising and
investment for new and existing projects with environmental benefits”.
As per our Protocol, the criteria against which the Green Bond Framework and proposed BOND have
been reviewed are grouped under the four Principles:
• Principle One: Use of Proceeds. The Use of Proceeds criteria are guided by the requirement
that an issuer of a green bond must use the funds raised to finance eligible activities. The eligible
activities should produce clear environmental benefits.
• Principle Two: Process for Project Evaluation and Selection. The Project Evaluation and
Selection criteria are guided by the requirements that an issuer of a green bond should outline
the process it follows when determining eligibility of an investment using Green Bond proceeds
and outline any impact objectives it will consider.
• Principle Three: Management of Proceeds. The Management of Proceeds criteria are guided
by the requirements that a green bond should be tracked within the issuing organization, that
separate portfolios should be created when necessary and that a declaration of how unallocated
funds will be handled should be made.
• Principle Four: Reporting. The Reporting criteria are guided by the recommendation that at
least Sustainability Reporting to the bond investors should be made of the use of bond proceeds
and that quantitative and/or qualitative performance indicators should be used, where feasible.
Work undertaken
Our work constituted a high level review of the available information, based on the understanding that
this information was provided to us by ALERION in good faith. We have not performed an audit or other
tests to check the veracity of the information provided to us. The work undertaken to form our opinion
• Creation of an ALERION-specific Protocol, adapted to the purpose of the Green Bond Framework
and the BOND, as described above and in Schedule 2 to this Assessment;
• Assessment of documentary evidence provided by ALERION on the Green Bond Framework and
the BOND and supplemented by a high-level desktop research. These checks refer to current
assessment best practices and standards methodology;
• Discussions with ALERION management, and review of relevant documentation;
• Documentation of findings against each element of the criteria. Our opinion as detailed below is a
summary of these findings.
Page 3 of 11
Findings and DNV GL’s opinion
DNV GL’s findings are listed below:
1. Principle One: Use of Proceeds. ALERION has developed it’s Green Bond Framework and plans to
use the proceeds of the BOND to finance and refinance projects and assets including:
Renewable Energy:
• Wind Energy
o New wind power project design, development, manufacture and construction;
o Acquisition of operating wind farms (operating assets and associated ownership /
operational corporate entities);
o Refinancing of existing wind power generation projects.
DNV GL reviewed ALERION Green Bond Framework and the criteria for the project categories above
to determine the eligibility of the nominated projects and assets.
2. Principle Two: Process for Project Evaluation and Selection. The BOND’s proceeds will be
allocated to acquire, finance and refinance the assets as defined in Schedule 1. DNV GL has reviewed
evidence that demonstrates that ALERION regularly assesses opportunities for improvement and
devises action plans and initiatives to mitigate negative environmental and social impacts from its
3. Principle Three: Management of Proceeds DNV GL has reviewed evidence showing how ALERION
plans to trace the proceeds from the Bond, from the time of issuance to the time of disbursement.
The full amount of the proceeds will be managed within treasury or equivalent, and thereafter
disbursed in accordance with the investment commitments and any debt obligations. The details of
the disbursement and the outstanding value will be tracked using ALERION’s internal financial
reporting system. At the end of each financial period, ALERION will review the outstanding balance of
the BOND. As stated above, DNV GL provides no assurance regarding the financial performance of
the Bond, the value of any investments in the Bond, or the effects of the transaction.
4. Principle Four: Reporting. ALERION has confirmed that it will provide an annual report on its
website. This will include description of the green bond proceeds allocation, overview of the projects
financed or refinanced and the environmental impact, until the full allocation of proceeds.
On the basis of the information provided by ALERION and the work undertaken, it is DNV GL’s opinion
that the ALERION Green Bond Framework and proposed BOND meet the criteria established in the
Protocol and that it is aligned with the stated definition of green bonds within the Green Bond Principles,
which is to “enable capital-raising and investment for new and existing projects with environmental
DNV GL has confirmed that the Use of Proceeds proposed by ALERION in their Green Bond Framework is
aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including 7 “Affordable Clean Energy”, 9
“Industry Innovation and Infrastructure” and 13 “Climate Action”.
for DNV GL Business Assurance Italia Srl
6 September 2019
Mark Robinson
Manager, Sustainability Services
DNV GL – Business Assurance
Page 4 of 11
About DNV GL
Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organisations to advance
the safety and sustainability of their business. Combining leading technical and operational expertise, risk
methodology and in-depth industry knowledge, we empower our customers’ decisions and actions with trust and
confidence. We continuously invest in research and collaborative innovation to provide customers and society with
operational and technological foresight.
With our origins stretching back to 1864, our reach today is global. Operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000
professionals are dedicated to helping customers make the world safer, smarter and greener.


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Attività per l’emissione di un prestito obbligazionario
Alerion Clean Power: Andamento gestionale dei primi nove
mesi del 2019
· Potenza installata lorda al 30 settembre 2019 pari a 514 MW, in
aumento del 68% rispetto al 30 settembre 2018 (306 MW).
· Nel solo terzo trimestre 2019 la produzione è stata pari a 123,4
GWh, in aumento del 130% rispetto alla produzione del terzo
trimestre 2018 (pari a 54,6 GWh) per effetto dei nuovi
investimenti effettuati nel 2019.
· Con il perfezionamento dell’acquisizione del parco eolico di
Regalbuto, in data odierna, la potenza installata lorda arriva a
564 MW.

Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di Alerion Clean Power S.p.A., infine, alla luce
dell’attuale contesto macroeconomico, ha riesaminato le caratteristiche
dell’emissione del prestito obbligazionario, senza rating, non convertibile e non
subordinato di importo complessivo compreso tra Euro 150 e 200 milioni, da
qualificarsi come green bond, già discusse nella precedente seduta del 23
settembre u.s. (cfr comunicato stampa del 23 settembre 2019), ed ha deliberato di
richiedere l’ammissione alle negoziazioni delle obbligazioni presso il mercato
regolamentato Irlandese di Euronext Dublin, Official List – Regulated Market, con la
previsione di un dual listing anche sul Mercato Telematico delle Obbligazioni - MOT
organizzato e gestito da Borsa Italiana, destinando il predetto prestito
obbligazionario sia al pubblico indistinto in Italia sia ad investitori qualificati in
Italia. Le obbligazioni verranno offerte per la sottoscrizione attraverso la
piattaforma del MOT.
Il prestito obbligazionazionario allo studio potrà avere una durata massima di 7 anni
e un tasso fisso di circa il 3%. Gli interessi verranno corrisposti annualmente in
maniera posticipata. Le somme raccolte saranno utilizzate principalmente per
finanziare l’ulteriore crescita del Gruppo e per ottimizzare la propria struttura
finanziaria. Investor Relations
Alerion intends to use the proceeds of the Green Bond to finance or refinance “Eligible
Green Projects”, which include:
• New wind power project design, development, manufacture and construction;
• Acquisition of operating wind farms
• Refinancing of existing wind power generation projects.
The acquisition of operating wind farms includes both the acquisition of operating assets as
well as the acquisition of companies owning authorized and / or operating assets.
Details on the Eligible Green Projects associated to Alerion’s inaugural Green Bond
issuance are presented in Appendix A.
All Eligible Green Projects have been or will be constructed according to European Union
and national legislation that requires specific environmental screening before receiving the
building permit.
Eligible Green Projects are deemed to contribute to climate mitigation by helping to avoid
or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in alignment with Alerion’s strategy as
previously discussed.
Alerion anticipates that Eligible Green Projects will also contribute to the UN Sustainable
Development Goals number 7 (“Affordable and Clean Energy”), 9 (“Industry Innovation and
Infrastructure”) and 13 (“Climate Action”).
2.2. Process for Project Evaluation and Selection
Alerion’s Green Bond Framework is for the financing and refinancing of wind power
generation projects as described in Section 2.1.
Scommettiamo che i comuni mortali non potranno acquistare il bond in sottoscrizione e se vorranno dovranno poi pagarlo sul mercato con una plus del 2/3% ai soliti fortunati che lo acquisteranno a 100 regalando loro un 2% scucco. Ovviamente il retail di Alerion sempre a guardare (bastava fornire loro una semplice prelazione ma poi magari ci avrebbero pure guadagnato qualche spicciolo) Nulla di nuovo sotto i cachi notrani.
prevedo una domanda almeno 3 volte offerta fra istituzionali italiani esteri e ratail, il tasso potrebbe scendere sotto il 3%..considerando che ENEL ne ha emesso uno di GREEN BOND A 0.375% FISSO ANNUO
Scommettiamo che i comuni mortali non potranno acquistare il bond in sottoscrizione e se vorranno dovranno poi pagarlo sul mercato con una plus del 2/3% ai soliti fortunati che lo acquisteranno a 100 regalando loro un 2% scucco. Ovviamente il retail di Alerion sempre a guardare (bastava fornire loro una semplice prelazione ma poi magari ci avrebbero pure guadagnato qualche spicciolo) Nulla di nuovo sotto i cachi notrani.

Vai tranquillo che questo te lo danno senza problemi.
Vai tranquillo che questo te lo danno senza problemi.

Ciao, lo penso anche io!

Il fatto che in origine fosse previsto per solo istituzionali e qualificati (quindi teoricamente taglio 100.000) ed ora venga proposto al pubblico indistinto (presumibile taglio 1000) farebbe pensare che tanto interesse (in prima istanza) su quel facciale (7y-3%) non lo abbiano raccolto.

Allargare ai retail : 'bella mossa' [Equita, I suppose].


P.s. ...... emissione in chiusura di anno: l'imposta di bolla è un handicap.
Ultima modifica:
Ciao, lo penso anche io!

Il fatto che in origine fosse previsto per solo istituzionali e qualificati (quindi teoricamente taglio 100.000) ed ora venga proposto al pubblico indistinto (presumibile taglio 1000) farebbe pensare che tanto interesse (in prima istanza) su quel facciale (7y-3%) non lo abbiano raccolto.

Allargare ai retail : 'bella mossa' [Equita, I suppose].


P.s. ...... emissione in chiusura di anno: l'imposta di bolla è un handicap.

Di questi tempi non ci si sorprenderebbe di nulla, ed essendo un "green" bond potrebbe benissimo andar via senza problemi.
Certo, 3% per Alerion a 7 anni... :rolleyes:
In un mercato non drogato non potrebbe esistere una cosa del genere.
Società che, per come funziona il sistema degli incentivi alle UP, tra 7 anni potrebbe anche non esistere più.
Di questi tempi non ci si sorprenderebbe di nulla, ed essendo un "green" bond potrebbe benissimo andar via senza problemi.
Certo, 3% per Alerion a 7 anni... :rolleyes:
In un mercato non drogato non potrebbe esistere una cosa del genere.
Società che, per come funziona il sistema degli incentivi alle UP, tra 7 anni potrebbe anche non esistere più.

La grid parity nell'eolico italiano è una realtà, significa avere parchi eolici che funzionano e producono ricavi, margine lordo ( alerion ha un 70% ebitda margin dai bilanci sul sito) e cash flow.

Sul tasso del 3%, ricordo che I.R.R. tasso interno di rendimento per un parco eolico in esercizio , ventosità media e considerando anche le fluttuazioni ventose, è di circa il 13%.

se I.R.R. > TASSO DEL DEBITO ,, NEL CASO alerion 13>3, ecco che la SOCIETA' E' PROFITTEVOLE.
Inoltre per i parchi in scadenza di incentivo, a parte che ci sono 5500 mw da assegnare in Italia entro il 2021 da gare come sito GSE, va detto che esiste anche il REPOWERING, ovvero il rifacimento, basta fare una VIA VAL IMPATTO AMBIENTALE AGEVOLATA COME LA LEGGE PREVEDE, E MODIFICARE I ROTORI CHE IL PARCO VIENE CONSIDERATO NUOVO. E ricordo anche IPERAMMORTAMENTO DEL 130% PER GLI INVESTIMENTI COSA CHE CONSENTE DI AMMORTIZZARE ACCELERANDO I PARCHI ED AVENDO PIU CASH FLOW.
Vi avviso che sul mot a breve alerioncleanpower lancia green bond a 7 anni tasso intorno al 3% fisso, quotato anche a borsa dublino, senza rating e non subordinato, anche i privati possono acquistarlo. Il green bond a differenza delle obbligazioni ha un suo programma con date certe ed obiettivi certi e serve per comprare nuovi aprchi da terzi e realizzare i propri ( quelli aggiudicati gia in questa asta ) e per rifacimento impianti ( monte petrasi? )

Scope and objectives
Alerion Clean Power S.p.A. (“ALERION” or “Issuer”), is an industrial group listed on the Milan Stock
Exchange, specializing in the production of electricity from renewable sources, particularly in the wind
ALERION has developed a Green Bond Framework and is considering the issuance of a Green Bond in
EURO (henceforth referred to as “BOND”) and would like to label the issuance as a “Green Bond” as
defined within the Green Bond Principles 2018 (“GBP”) set out by the International Capital Market
Association (“ICMA”).
As per its Green Bond Framework, ALERION intends to use the proceeds of the BOND to finance and
refinance debts associated with the numerous projects and assets in Europe falling within the following
Renewable Energy:
• Wind Energy
o New wind power project design, development, manufacture and construction;
o Acquisition of operating wind farms;
o Refinancing of existing wind power generation projects.
DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. (henceforth referred to as “DNV GL”) has been commissioned by
ALERION to provide a Green Bond eligibility assessment of the ALERION Green Bond Framework and
proposed BOND. Our methodology to achieve this is described under ‘Work Undertaken’ below. We were
not commissioned to provide independent assurance or other audit activities.
No assurance is provided regarding the financial performance of the BOND, the value of any investments
in the BONDS, or the long term environmental benefits of the transaction. Our objective has been to
provide an assessment that the BOND has met the criteria established on the basis set out below.
The scope of this DNV GL opinion is limited to the Green Bond Principles 2018 (GBP).
Responsibilities of the Management of ALERION and DNV GL
The management of ALERION has provided the information and data used by DNV GL during the delivery
of this review. Our statement represents an independent opinion and is intended to inform ALERION
management and other interested stakeholders in the BOND as to whether the established criteria have
been met, based on the information provided to us. In our work we have relied on the information and
the facts presented to us by ALERION. DNV GL is not responsible for any aspect of the nominated assets
referred to in this opinion and cannot be held liable if estimates, findings, opinions, or conclusions are
incorrect. Thus, DNV GL shall not be held liable if any of the information or data provided by ALERION’s
management and used as a basis for this assessment were not correct or complete.
Page 2 of 11
Basis of DNV GL’s opinion
We have adapted our Green Bond Principles methodology, which incorporates the requirements of the
GBP, to create a ALERION-specific Green Bond Eligibility Assessment Protocol (henceforth referred to as
“Protocol”). Our Protocol includes a set of suitable criteria that can be used to underpin DNV GL’s opinion.
The overarching principle behind the criteria is that a green bond should “enable capital-raising and
investment for new and existing projects with environmental benefits”.
As per our Protocol, the criteria against which the Green Bond Framework and proposed BOND have
been reviewed are grouped under the four Principles:
• Principle One: Use of Proceeds. The Use of Proceeds criteria are guided by the requirement
that an issuer of a green bond must use the funds raised to finance eligible activities. The eligible
activities should produce clear environmental benefits.
• Principle Two: Process for Project Evaluation and Selection. The Project Evaluation and
Selection criteria are guided by the requirements that an issuer of a green bond should outline
the process it follows when determining eligibility of an investment using Green Bond proceeds
and outline any impact objectives it will consider.
• Principle Three: Management of Proceeds. The Management of Proceeds criteria are guided
by the requirements that a green bond should be tracked within the issuing organization, that
separate portfolios should be created when necessary and that a declaration of how unallocated
funds will be handled should be made.
• Principle Four: Reporting. The Reporting criteria are guided by the recommendation that at
least Sustainability Reporting to the bond investors should be made of the use of bond proceeds
and that quantitative and/or qualitative performance indicators should be used, where feasible.
Work undertaken
Our work constituted a high level review of the available information, based on the understanding that
this information was provided to us by ALERION in good faith. We have not performed an audit or other
tests to check the veracity of the information provided to us. The work undertaken to form our opinion
• Creation of an ALERION-specific Protocol, adapted to the purpose of the Green Bond Framework
and the BOND, as described above and in Schedule 2 to this Assessment;
• Assessment of documentary evidence provided by ALERION on the Green Bond Framework and
the BOND and supplemented by a high-level desktop research. These checks refer to current
assessment best practices and standards methodology;
• Discussions with ALERION management, and review of relevant documentation;
• Documentation of findings against each element of the criteria. Our opinion as detailed below is a
summary of these findings.
Page 3 of 11
Findings and DNV GL’s opinion
DNV GL’s findings are listed below:
1. Principle One: Use of Proceeds. ALERION has developed it’s Green Bond Framework and plans to
use the proceeds of the BOND to finance and refinance projects and assets including:
Renewable Energy:
• Wind Energy
o New wind power project design, development, manufacture and construction;
o Acquisition of operating wind farms (operating assets and associated ownership /
operational corporate entities);
o Refinancing of existing wind power generation projects.
DNV GL reviewed ALERION Green Bond Framework and the criteria for the project categories above
to determine the eligibility of the nominated projects and assets.
2. Principle Two: Process for Project Evaluation and Selection. The BOND’s proceeds will be
allocated to acquire, finance and refinance the assets as defined in Schedule 1. DNV GL has reviewed
evidence that demonstrates that ALERION regularly assesses opportunities for improvement and
devises action plans and initiatives to mitigate negative environmental and social impacts from its
3. Principle Three: Management of Proceeds DNV GL has reviewed evidence showing how ALERION
plans to trace the proceeds from the Bond, from the time of issuance to the time of disbursement.
The full amount of the proceeds will be managed within treasury or equivalent, and thereafter
disbursed in accordance with the investment commitments and any debt obligations. The details of
the disbursement and the outstanding value will be tracked using ALERION’s internal financial
reporting system. At the end of each financial period, ALERION will review the outstanding balance of
the BOND. As stated above, DNV GL provides no assurance regarding the financial performance of
the Bond, the value of any investments in the Bond, or the effects of the transaction.
4. Principle Four: Reporting. ALERION has confirmed that it will provide an annual report on its
website. This will include description of the green bond proceeds allocation, overview of the projects
financed or refinanced and the environmental impact, until the full allocation of proceeds.
On the basis of the information provided by ALERION and the work undertaken, it is DNV GL’s opinion
that the ALERION Green Bond Framework and proposed BOND meet the criteria established in the
Protocol and that it is aligned with the stated definition of green bonds within the Green Bond Principles,
which is to “enable capital-raising and investment for new and existing projects with environmental
DNV GL has confirmed that the Use of Proceeds proposed by ALERION in their Green Bond Framework is
aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including 7 “Affordable Clean Energy”, 9
“Industry Innovation and Infrastructure” and 13 “Climate Action”.
for DNV GL Business Assurance Italia Srl
6 September 2019
Mark Robinson
Manager, Sustainability Services
DNV GL – Business Assurance
Page 4 of 11
About DNV GL
Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organisations to advance
the safety and sustainability of their business. Combining leading technical and operational expertise, risk
methodology and in-depth industry knowledge, we empower our customers’ decisions and actions with trust and
confidence. We continuously invest in research and collaborative innovation to provide customers and society with
operational and technological foresight.
With our origins stretching back to 1864, our reach today is global. Operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000
professionals are dedicated to helping customers make the world safer, smarter and greener.
Togni (Anev): "Eolico: e ora di accelerare. Si abbassera la bolletta" - FIRSTonline

Quando il fondo obbligazionario e sostenibile. Dove investire - Online SIM :cool:


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La grid parity nell'eolico italiano è una realtà, significa avere parchi eolici che funzionano e producono ricavi, margine lordo ( alerion ha un 70% ebitda margin dai bilanci sul sito) e cash flow.

Sul tasso del 3%, ricordo che I.R.R. tasso interno di rendimento per un parco eolico in esercizio , ventosità media e considerando anche le fluttuazioni ventose, è di circa il 13%.

se I.R.R. > TASSO DEL DEBITO ,, NEL CASO alerion 13>3, ecco che la SOCIETA' E' PROFITTEVOLE.
Inoltre per i parchi in scadenza di incentivo, a parte che ci sono 5500 mw da assegnare in Italia entro il 2021 da gare come sito GSE, va detto che esiste anche il REPOWERING, ovvero il rifacimento, basta fare una VIA VAL IMPATTO AMBIENTALE AGEVOLATA COME LA LEGGE PREVEDE, E MODIFICARE I ROTORI CHE IL PARCO VIENE CONSIDERATO NUOVO. E ricordo anche IPERAMMORTAMENTO DEL 130% PER GLI INVESTIMENTI COSA CHE CONSENTE DI AMMORTIZZARE ACCELERANDO I PARCHI ED AVENDO PIU CASH FLOW.

Guarda Conte non voglio disilluderti perchè evidentemente ci credi molto nell'azienda e capisco l'impegno nel topic, ma un'azienda che ha portato questi dati al 30 settembre Investor Relations non esiste che emetta al 3%.

:cool::cool::cool:VEDERE PAG 6


Il fondo NN(L) Green Bond supera la soglia del miliardo di euro - :cool::cool::cool:
Ultima modifica:
Erano anni che non vedevo una pompata del genere...

Erano anni che non vedevo una pompata del genere...


scusa ma davvero credi che qui si pompa un bond?? con 4 gatti qui che neanche 20.000 euro posson comprare?? suvvia.

è semplice informazione.
a chi non piace l azienda puo liberamente scriverlo ma PARIMENTI a chi piace vale lo stesso e cioè puo scriverlo.

tutto qua.
mi aspetto almeno un 3,50 , altrimenti io rimango fuori.

Quella a mercato a 5,1% rende sia a scadenza che a prima call il 3.09% (+330)...
Quella a mercato a 5,1% rende sia a scadenza che a prima call il 3.09% (+330)...

infatti quest vogliono allungare la scadenza mantenendo lo stesso tasso . molto furbi ....... credono di essere loro.......:o :)
