Haemato DE0006190705

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Ha inoltre un dividendo interessante , ma non capisco quando e se lo stacca!
In the third quarter of 2019 HAEMATO AG, Berlin (ISIN: DE0006190705), achieved IFRS consolidated revenues of EUR 47.8 million. In the considered period from January to Sep-tember 2019 the sales totaled EUR 141.8 million (previous year: EUR 212.8 million). The EBITDA amounts to EUR 1.6 million (previous year: EUR 6.4 million). The main reason for the decrease of the EBITDA can be found in a decline in sales compared to the same period of the previous year. In the third quarter of 2019, revenues increased by almost 5% compared to the second quarter; the October sales also increased compared to the previous month. The Executive Board consideres both facts as indicators for positive development in the last quarter of 2019.

In the third quarter of 2019, the dividend distribution of EUR 0.10 per share (EUR 2.287 million) was approved by the Annual General Meeting held on July 10, 2019. Despite the payout to the shareholders in July 2019, the equity ratio of the HAEMATO Group amounted to 62.8 % as of 30.09.2019.

Il dividendo viene staccato annualmente a luglio.
Fatturato e redditività in forte calo, dividendo tagliato di 2/3.
Price/sales molto basso (0.30), possibile turnaround se e quando i conti miglioreranno.
Titolo sottilissimo.
Prossima relazione annuale il 25 marzo.